I'm just a parent, but I know there are natural ways to nourish our children as they go through their bout with cancer. My goal with this blog is to give parents the information that their oncologists may not know or give them so they have the information at their fingertips when they need it. There may not be a natural way to cure cancer (but my view of that is changing!), but I believe there can be a strong "synergy" of anti-cancer foods and supplements that have the ability to make modern medical treatment more effective and at the very least extend lives. My diet philosophy is of whole foods and a whole foods based diet. Whole foods nourish the body as a whole, strengthen the immune system and in turn help it to fight cancer. This is a collection of my personal and ongoing research that started when my daughter was diagnosed with AT/RT brain cancer.
-Weldon Williford, Father

Friday, July 25, 2014

Layla passed from her cancer and the healthiest at the time of death the oncologist had ever seen. A tumor in her neck caused her spinal cord to sever. Other than that (and another 20-30 tumors in her brain and spine) she was in great health and passed at home. I have personally been cleaning out my facebook page and other online media to be able to move on with my life as I have found it not to be good to mentally and emotionally dwell on it. So I am copying some of my other research from facebook here. For any other parents going through what I went through I hope and pray some of this information on this blog helps you as well.

Butyric Acid (GABA)Deficiency and it's role in Cancer and Brain Health

March 16, 2011 at 11:42am
I have an awesome group of intelligent health gurus and naturopaths in one of my yahoo forums. Someone brought up an important point about inulin fiber and butyric acid that piqued my interest in the subject. It seems most children with autism, mental disorders, seizures and also like my daughter, brain cancer seemed to have had terrible problems with their bowels as an infant and many continue to do so. I strongly believe this could have been a contributing factor to her nervous system cancer especially since we had to completely take her off dairy, the only other good butyric acid source. I will locate my research on this topic in this Facebook note page for others to be able to follow.

"Nearly every chemical that controls the brain is also located in the stomach region, including hormones and neurotransmitters such as Serotonin, Dopamine, Glutamate, GABA and Norepinephrine. The gut contains 100 million neurons – more than the spinal cord. But there are also two-dozen small brain proteins; major cells of the immune system; one class of the body’s natural opiates; and native benzodiazepines. The gut, known as the enteric nervous system, is located in sheaths of tissue lining the esophagus, stomach, small intestine and colon, and plays a key role in human emotions. But few know the enteric nervous system exists, and therefore gut health is often overlooked. Symptoms from the two brains can get confused, and just as the brain can upset the gut, the gut can also upset the brain."

"Butyric Acid Foods rich in butyric acid are cottage cheese, yogurt (both should be made from organic whole milk), butter, and Parmesan cheese. The primary mechanism of butyric acid appears to be the initiation of differentiation of undifferentiated cells by the unmasking of the genetic material of the cell. It is thought that the primary effect of butyric acid is on the cell membrane. Dr. Jonathan Wright explains it this way: Based on numerous studies, it appears highly probable that butyrate is a major cancer-inhibiting metabolite."

"Researchers in Italy actually used hyaluronic acid (MSM is a Precursor!!!!) coupled with butyric acid as cancer therapy. The result: 87-100% of animals were metastasis-free using this treatment, which is ten-times more effective than butyric acid alone. [Anticancer Drugs 16: 373-79, 2005] If hyaluronic acid is a suspected cancer-causing agent, then why is it being used along with other molecules to treat cancer? Researchers in Italy indicate HA combined with other compounds are "promising" and responsible for the "arrest" of tumor cell growth."
This directly from the Jarrow MSM bottle: "The sulfur from MSM is used to produce gycosaminoglycans (or mucopolysaccaharides) present in proteoglycans such as chondroitin sulfate, dermatan sulfate, and hyaluronic acid."

Why fiber such as oatmeal and inulin is important to brain health
"It is the most important and abundant short-chain fatty acid (SCFA) feeding the cells in the colon. butyric acid influences the adherence of friendly bacteria in your colon and is vital for maintaining a strong immunity within the bowel. Butyrate, along with other SCFAs, are mainly derived from the fermentation of soluble fiber by colonic bacteria. Oat bran, which contains soluble fiber, increases the level of butyric acid, but wheat bran does not. Other fibers higher in soluble fiber are more effective at increasing butyric acid than oat bran

Butyric Acid also found in one of my favorite fats, BUTTER!!!
"Like butter, ghee contains butyric acid, a fatty acid that has antiviral and anticancer properties and that raises the level of the antiviral chemical interferon in the body. worth knowing According to Dr. Dharma Singh Khalsa, an easy way to make ghee is to simmer unsalted butter over medium-low heat for 10 to 20 minutes until an almost transparent crust forms on top. Then skim off the crust and strain the golden liquid that remains into a container. Make sure you discard the white sediment at the bottom. Or, you can do what I do and buy ready-made ghee in most natural food stores."

"Studies indicate that administration of gamma-amino butyric acid (GABA) decreases hyperactivity, as well as tendencies toward violence, epilepsy, mental retardation, and learning disabilities. Q More and more evidence is showing that those with ADD/ADHD are at greater risk for depression, alcoholism, restlessness, difficulties with careers and relationships, and antisocial behavior as adults. Q Parents of children with ADD or ADHD often have a very difficult time dealing with the behavioral problems of their children.

Cod Liver Oil/Fish Oil aids in the function of Butyric Acid
"Treatment with butyric acid, a monounsaturated fatty acid, reduces inflammatory conditions, reduces seepage of undigested food particles, and aids in repair of the mucosal wall. N-acetylglucosamine (NAG) prevents leaky gut syndrome. Q A study done in Italy found that people with Crohn's disease who took sustained-release fish oil supplements were less likely to suffer relapses than those who did not. Of the subjects in the one-year study who took fish oil, over half remained symptom-free, compared with only a quarter of those who took a placebo."

It would benefit those with food allergies to increase fiber intake with Inulin
"Patients with food allergies and intestinal yeast and parasite infections have also benefitted from using butyric acid. Because low stool butyrate levels have recently been used as one predictive test fot colon cancer, butyrate supplementation has been used to help prevent colon cancer. High-dose supplementation has also been used to treat some cancers, including childhood leukemias. butyric acid is available in capsules as calcium/ magnesium butyrate

Increasing production of butyric acid treats anxiety disorders
"Gamma-Amino butyric acid (GABA). This amino acid also functions as a neurotransmitter, and nutritionally oriented physicians often use GABA to treat anxiety. A study by researchers at the University of Utah School of Medicine identified part of the mechanism. GABA helps the brain filter out distracting signals—background noise, so to speak—that impair thinking"

Not only prevent cancer, but getting sick from viruses as well-But don't forget that vitamin D! :-)
"Among the foremost of these is butytic acid, an easily digested short-chain fatty acid that has powerful antiviral, antifungal, and anticancer properties; it also raises the level of the antiviral chemical interferon in the body. butyric acid also has characteristics found to be helpful in the prevention and treatment of Alzheimer's disease. Butter does contain cholesterol, but cholesterol is required for the proper functioning of bodily cells."

All About Butryic Acid

"inulin is a preferred food for the lactobacilli in the intestine and can improve the balance of friendly bacteria in the bowel. Subjects in one trial were give 15 grams of inulin a day for fifteen days. Lactobacillus bifidobacteria increased by about 10% during that period. Gram-positive bacteria associated with disease declined. Bifidobacteria digest inulin to produce short chain fatty-acids, such as acetic, propionic, and butyric acids. The first two may be used by the liver for energy production, while butyric acid has cancer-preventing properties within the intestine (Spiller, 1994). Recent animal research also shows that inulin prevents precancerous changes in the colon (Reddy, 1997)."

This is a chicken study, but fermentation is fermentation, regardless of where it happens
Dietary inulin had a positive and significant (P < 0.002 to 0.009) effect on bifidobacteria and lactobacilli counts in both ileal and cecal contents and, to an extent, also altered the fermentation patterns in the ceca, increasing the concentration of n-butyric and D-lactic acids and the n-butyric acid:acetic acid ratio.

Human Study
"Recent research has shown an important physiological action for inulin (Gibson, Roberfroid). Like some pectins and fructooligosaccharides, inulin is a preferred food for the lactobacilli in the intestine and can improve the balance of friendly bacteria in the bowel. Subjects in one trial were give 15 grams of inulin a day for fifteen days. Lactobacillus bifidobacteria increased by about 10% during that period. Gram-positive bacteria associated with disease declined. Bifidobacteria digest inulin to produce short chain fatty-acids, such as acetic, propionic, and butyric acids. The first two may be used by the liver for energy production, while butyric acid has cancer-preventing properties within the intestine (Spiller, 1994). Recent animal research also shows that inulin prevents precancerous changes in the colon (Reddy, 1997)."

Inulin and Gut Health plus increase in production of butyrate


Many Misc. Studies on Inulin and Prebiotics

Supplementing with Inulin makes Cancer Treatment More Effective and Prevents Some Cancers

Get 100% Inulin Fiber with Metamucil Clear and Natural (What I give to Layla)

How to Take MSM (From MSM Yahoo Group)

April 11, 2011 at 10:10pm
Author: Cyn Johnson, owner of MSM-DIY list

NOTE: This document is the result of many hours of research on the internet and in books dealing with MSM. I May quote other people in this document, but this work is my own and is not to be used for any commercial or medicinal purpose.

Please do your own homework and pay attention to the clues your body gives you. If you are under a doctor's care, please listen to that advise. If you are not comfortable with following your doctor's advise, then perhaps you should find a different doctor. NOTHING that is said on the list or in this document is intended to prescribe or advise.

(c) Cynthia Johnson, http://www.fragrantjoys.com 1997 - present

??How much MSM to start??
Most of us start with 1/8 - 1/4 tsp. in a glass of water (or other
liquid, hot is OK), once a day. Some folks will split the "dosage"
into two parts taken morning and night, but that is only for
preference or convenience.

??How long do I wait before I increase the amount??
Maintain your current "dosage level" for a week. After that week is
over, then add another increment to the dosage. Maintain each
increased amount for at least one week each. As the amounts of MSM
get larger, you may want to split the amount into two, taken morning
and night.

??What is a sample kind of increase schedule??

Here is a sample schedule to follow:
Week 1: 1/8 tsp in a glass of water
Week 2: 1/4 tsp in a glass of water
Week 3: 3/8 to 1/2 tsp in a glass of water
Week 4: 1/2 tsp in a glass of water
Week 5: 1/2 to 5/8 tsp in a glass of water
Week 6: 3/4 tsp in a glass of water
Week 7: 1 tsp in a glass of water
Week 8 and beyond: Maintain or continue increasing MSM, as needed for
relief of symptoms

??Are there other things to be aware of??

It is VITAL that you drink LOTS & LOTS of water during the day when
you are taking MSM. This water intake is in addition to other liquids
that you might consume.

Remember that the job of MSM is to carry water to the cells
throughout your body, and if you don't give your body the water, then
your toxins start gathering in your system and you will not feel very
good (understatement!). Also, without the water, the MSM will not be
able to do its job of cleansing and powering the cells.

??How do I know when I am getting enough MSM??
Continue to increase the amounts of MSM taken weekly. The target
amount is going to be whatever is needed to alleviate the pain or

When you are increasing the MSM, take note of the amount you are
taking when you first start seeing a relief from the symptoms. This
amount is going to be your maintenance "dose", or close to it.
Continue to increase AFTER you start getting relief. Increase beyond
that point to about 1/4 to 1/2 tsp more.

??When do I start thinking about maintenance rather than "fixing"??

Maintain this greater amount for about a month or more. When you are
symptomless for a few weeks and feel comfortable that the symptoms
will not resume, begin dropping back at the same rate that you
increased. When you drop back to the level where you first started feeling
relief (and you know this level because you made a note of it, right?
<grin>), continue to take this amount as your daily maintenance level.

??How long should I stay on "maintenance"??

I'm inclined to think that taking MSM should be a lifetime decision.
If we were getting enough of the MSM from the foods we eat and the
water we drink, we wouldn't need it in the first place. I do think
that when our bodies begin healing and the damage to our organ
systems is reversed, I think that our MSM requirement should be much

I have friends who are in good health with just a minimum of pain
issues. They have been on MSM for over 2-3 years. Their maintenance
level is about a pinch of MSM (1/8 tsp or less). When they do not
take the MSM, in about a month (a little more than the 20 days that
the body retains the MSM) they start to feel the pain returning.

I am not "prescribing" or anything like that. I'm only giving you my
interpretation of the information that I have read about MSM, how it
works and why our bodies have been depleted.

??What "bad" things can happen??

If you don't drink enough water each day, or if you increase the
daily amounts of MSM too quickly for your body's toxicity level, you
can accumulate too many toxins trying to be excreted at the same time.
This condition is what we call "suffering from detox". If this
happens, you can take a detox bath and/or reduce your MSM intake.
There is a file on the detox baths in the Files section
entitled "DetoxBath.txt"



Cyn - List Mom

Hypothesis Confirmed:MSM nearly DOUBLES Glutathione + MSM found in the brain

March 30, 2011 at 4:57pm
I had hypothesized that sulfur/MSM was a key generator of the super antioxidant, glutathione, in our bodies based upon studies of sulfur containing foods that significantly increased glutathione such as raw eggs,cold-processed  whey, and sea buckthorn. I found an MSM study today that shows an average increase of 78%! when supplementing with MSM for 5 weeks. I would like to have seen a day by day testing to compare with other substances such as resveratrol which gave a 40% increase for 4 hours immediately after culturing in a tissue sample.

We now know Vitamin D3, probably our most important, all mortality cause vitamin, boosts glutathione significantly and also gives pain relief and healing. Could it be the glutathione that is responsible for killing the pain and inflammation with MSM? There is little research into the mechanisms behind MSM, people just know it works. I believe the researcher in the cited study was trying to accomplish the mechanism with the study, but has yet to be reproduced in a human study, as far as I know. Full abstract and link at the bottom of the page.

Another study with MSM shows there is MSM found in the brain and in the cerebral-spinal fluid.  This is important to me for Layla, but what stood out to me was the conclusion at the bottom of the abstract : "Thus, DMSO(2)/MSM occurs as a regular metabolite at low micromolar concentrations in cerebrospinal fluid and plasma. It derives from dietary sources, from intestinal bacterial metabolism and from human endogenous methanethiol metabolism."  If MSM is anti-inflammatory and produced by intestinal bacterial metabolism, could much of the brain and spinal cancers (and cancer in general)  be caused by gut dysbiosis or an unhealthy gut? Think of the babies getting formula food with no MSM or dietary source, that I know of, and a very denatured milk protein which is not viable to produce glutathione? Many babies already have terrible stomach issues to begin with from the formula anyway, including higher incidence of colic. If the parents diet is deficient in sulfur, then breastfeeding would be only a little better at giving the necessary precursors for glutathione production. Could this be the reason for the increase in childhood cancers? This is probably the main reason supplementing in pregnancy (with proper dosage) and children with vitamin D is also so crucial as it elevates glutathione, at least to dietary limits, all by itself.


Robert A DiSilvestro, David J DiSilvestro, and Daniel J DiSilvestro, Methylsulfonylmethane (MSM) Intake in Mice Produces Elevated Liver Glutathione and Partially Protects Against Carbon Tetrachloride-Induced Liver Injury FASEB J. 2008 22:445.8.
MSM's antioxidant actions have been proposed based mostly on indirect evidence. For example, antioxidant actions in vivo of a related compound, DMSO, may be produced by MSM formed in vivo from DMSO. Thus, a study was done in mice to determine whether oral intake of OptiMSM could affect tissue levels of an internal sulfur-containing antioxidant, glutathione, and resistance to chemically-induced oxidant stress. MSM administration (5 weeks, 80 mg/100 ml drinking water) produced a statistically significant increase in liver glutathione (mean increase of 78%). A similar effect was not seen in lung or skeletal muscle. In addition, MSM partially inhibited liver injury after injection of carbon tetrachloride, which induces liver oxidant stress (injury evaluation based on blood indexes of hepatic injury). These results indicate the need for further testing for MSM antioxidant actions in vivo, and to explore the mechanism of elevated glutathione.

Engelke UF, Tangerman A, Willemsen MA, et al. Dimethyl sulfone [MSM] in human cerebrospinal fluid and blood plasma confirmed by one-dimensional (1)H and two-dimensional (1)H-(13)C NMR. NMR Bio Med 2005;18:33l-6.
Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Centre, Laboratory of Pediatrics and Neurology, L-6500 HB Nijmegen, The Netherlands. [Abstract on PubMed]
(1)H-NMR spectroscopy at 500 MHz was used to confirm that a previously unidentified singlet resonance at 3.14 ppm in the spectra of cerebrospinal fluid and plasma samples corresponds to dimethyl sulfone (DMSO(2)). A triple resonance inverse cryogenic NMR probe, with pre-amplifier and the RF-coils cooled to low temperature, was used to obtain an (1)H-(13)C HSQC spectrum of CSF containing 8 microM (753 ng/ml) DMSO(2). The (1)H-(13)C correlation signal for DMSO(2) was assigned by comparison with the spectrum from an authentic reference sample. In plasma and CSF from healthy controls, the concentration of DMSO(2) ranged between 0 and 25 micromol/l. The concentration of DMSO(2) in plasma from three of four patients with severe methionine adenosyltransferase I/III (MAT I/III) deficiency was about twice the maximum observed for controls. Thus, DMSO(2) occurs as a regular metabolite at low micromolar concentrations in cerebrospinal fluid and plasma. It derives from dietary sources, from intestinal bacterial metabolism and from human endogenous methanethiol metabolism. Copyright (c) 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

Lin A, Nguy CH, Shic F, Ross BD. Accumulation of methylsulfonylmethane in the human brain: identification by multinuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. Toxicol Lett 2001;123:169-77.
In vivo magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) was used to detect and quantify MSM in the brains of four patients with memory loss and in three normal volunteers all of who had ingested MSM at the recommended doses of 1-3 g daily. MSM was detected in all subjects at concentrations of 0.42-3.40 mmole/kg brain and was equally distributed between gray and white matter. MSM was undetectable in drug-naive normal subjects (N=25), patients screened for 'toxic exposure' (N=50) or patients examined with 1H MRS for the diagnosis of probable Alzheimer Disease (N=520) between 1991 and 2001. No adverse clinical or neurochemical effects were observed. Appearance of MSM in significant concentrations in the human brain indicates ready transfer across the intact blood-brain barrier.

More Proof of Iodine Deficiency as Cause of Cancer

April 18, 2011 at 2:18pm
Read these  links and tell me what iodine and hypericin have in common? Remember iodine is not a supplement but an essential nutrient that SHOULD be in our bodies at all times.

Incurable brain tumor breakthrough - St. John's wort compound discovered as promising treatment

Hypericin as an inactivator of infectious viruses in blood components.
Inactivation of Infectious Hematopoietic Necrosis Virus by Low Levels of Iodine

Herpes – Inhibition by BHT and Hypericin
Povidone-iodine for herpes zoster

“The doctor of the future will no longer treat the human frame
with drugs, but rather will cure and prevent disease with nutrition.”

- Thomas Edison

Variety of MSM Information from a Document in the MSM Yahoo Group

April 11, 2011 at 9:50pm
Author: Cyn Johnson, owner of MSM-DIY list

NOTE: I quote many people in this document, but this work is my own and is not to be used for any commercial or medicinal purpose.

Please do your own homework and pay attention to the clues your body gives you. If you are under a doctor's care, please listen to that advise. If you are not comfortable with following your doctor's advise, then perhaps you should find a different doctor. NOTHING that is said on the list or in this document is intended to prescribe or advise.

(c) Cynthia Johnson, http://www.fragrantjoys.com 1997 - present

In order to keep track of the different nutritional elements discussed in the

booklet, I came up with an analogy that is working for me, so far....

Think of our body as a collection of different types of combustion engines. You
might have a car engine, a motorcycle engine, a lawn mower engine, a go cart,

etc... but one thing is true of all of them. Without a spark from the spark
plug, they don't usually start!

In this comparison, the spark plug is organic sulfur and the spark is the
various types of engines are the different amino acids and proteins and such,
that activate different organs and systems within the body (the different types
of combustion engines, to complete the analogy).

From "The MSM Miracle - Enhance your health with organic sulfur", by Earl. L.

Mindell, R.Ph., Ph.D. (booklet; 48pgs)

MSM promotes the transfer and utilization of water in all of our cells. It works
on a cellular basis to encourage, promote and enable healthy cell growth and
reproduction. Cells are more flexible... the exchange of fluids and nutrients
occurs with less stress and effort for the body.

Organic sulfur is critical and key to the production and utilization of several
different vitamins, minerals, proteins and amino acids in our bodies. These
elements include (but are not limited to):

**Methionine [sulfur amino acid] (plants convert MSM & DMSO to methionine)... a
building block of protein
.....increases production of lecithin which works to break down fat in in liver
and arteries
.....required for protein synthesis and formation of DNA/RNA
.....works to detoxify lead, cadmium, mercury and arsenic
.....helps diminish muscle weakness
.....proven to help with rheumatic fever
.....proven to help with osteoporosis
.....promotes excretion of estrogen
.....high intake/utilization seems to help in preventing kidney stone by
counteracting free radicals
.....deficiency of methionine & taurine is associated with some allergies and
autoimmune problems
.....is part of the pain relief peptide
.....is part of different mood-elevating endorphins
.....helps prevent problems of hair, skin and nails by supplying sulfur.
.....nourishes cartilage by supplying sulfur
.....not made by the body, so must some from foods/supplements
.....critical for synthesis of sulfur amino acid taurine
.....is converted by the body into the sulfur amino acid, cysteine (which is
required for glutathione)
**Cysteine [sulfur amino acid](plants convert MSM & DMSO)... a building block of
.....contribute to the structure of protein, in the form of cystine
.....present in keratin (primary protein of hair, skin and nails)
.....aids in production of collagen
.....provides elasticity in the skin
.....important in energy production (can be converted to glucose)
.....works with methionine to make lipoic acid (antioxidant that can reduce
diabetic's need for insulin)
.....also seems to render toxins and carcinogens harmless
.....promotes healing from respiratory disorders
.....promotes healing from severe burnes
.....helps prevent damage from free radiclas coming from raidation and
.....hospital ERs often administer cysteine to prevent liver damage in drug and
alcohol overdoses
.....raises T-cell levels in AIDS patients
.....some psychotic patients show severely lowered levels of sulfur-bearing

**Taurine [sulfur amino acid] (synthesized from cysteine in liver and methionine
throughout body)
.....taurine not found in vegetable proteins (so internal synthesis crucial for
.....conditionally essential for adults
.....essential to infants (crucial to development of central nervous system and
muscle tissue)
.....cysteine & Vit. B6 most critical nutrients to help make taurine.
.....key to metabolism
.....seems to lend stabilizing effect on cell membranes (help to maintain cell
strength and integrity)
.....aids transistion of calcium, potassium, magnesium and sodium in and out of
.....protective ability lent to sensitive tissues
.....found in large concentration in: white blood cells, kidney, brain, heart
and retina
.....2nd most important inhibitory neurotransmitter in brain (anticonvulsant &
antianxiety properties)
.....used in treatment of epilepsy and seizures
.....most important and abundant free amino acid in the heart
.....when in volved with metabolism of calcium in heart, is thought to affect
transmission of nerve impulses.
.....deficiency in blood and in eyes is linked to retinitis pigmentosa (eye
.....alcohol abuse linked to loss of taurine and inability to process
supplemented taurine
.....diabetes increases need for taurine (supplementation along with cysteine
may decrease insulin need)
.....component of bile (utilized in digestion of fats, absorption of fat-soluble
vitamins & cholesterol control)


Vitamin C (works synergistically with MSM)
Vitamin B complex...
.....in Biotin, sulfur helps metabolize fat (helpful to diabetics)
.....in Thiamine (Vt. B1) and in Insulin, sulfur is required for carbohydrate
.....Pantothenic acid & Potassium help assimilate enough MSM nutritional sulfur
[continue later]

A wide variety of ailments, pains and conditions are improved by the plentiful
presence of organic sulfur in the body. These conditions include (but are not
limited by):
[contiue later]



FAQ Page

What is MSM?
MSM is a natural organic sulfur compound. It occurs naturally in the foods we
eat, but often disappears or is significantly depleted because of the processing
done to our foods.

If it's a sulfur compound, can I take it if I'm allergic to sulfa drugs?
Sulfa drugs are a different family of products. No one has been verified to be
allergic to MSM. Also, since MSM is necessary for life the same as water is, it
would be like being allergic to water, which of course no one is.

How much MSM do I take?
We always recommend starting at a low level of between 500 and 1000 mg (eighth
to a quarter teaspoon) per day. Stay at that level for about a week and then add
another 500 to 1000 mg per day and stay at that level for a week. Continue in
the same way for several weeks never adding more than 2000 mg (half teaspoon) at
one time, until you are taking between 6 and 8 teaspoons per day. This high
level makes up for the years of deficiency that your body has experienced. Then
reduce the amount to a maintenance level for whatever works for you. This is a
balance between addressing what you want to address and being able to sleep as
well as you would like at night. For most people the maintenance level is
between 1 and 2 teaspoons (4000 to 8000 mg) per day. Always drink LOTS of water
when starting on MSM or when increasing the amount you are taking.

How many milligrams of MSM are in a teaspoon?
There are about 4000 mg (or 4 grams) of MSM in a measured level teaspoon.

What is detox?
MSM enables your cells and tissues to release toxins that have built up over the
years. Apparently sulfur is a vital part of our waste management system, and if
we have not had enough of it our bodies were not able to release some of the
waste substances. If you take too much MSM, your body will release too much
waste at one time for your kidneys and liver to handle. This waste in your blood
stream can cause all kinds of problems ranging from flu-like symptoms to
re-experiencing the effects of drugs that you have taken in the past. For
example, heavy caffiene users may feel extra-jittery. The key to reducing or
eliminating detox symptoms is to start on MSM slowly so that the waste in your
tissues is released slowly and to drink lots of water so that the released
toxins will be flushed out of your body quickly.

What do I do if detox symptoms happen anyway?
If the symptoms are not bad, you may just want to tough it out. They should go
away in a few days. Be sure to increase your water intake--for most people this
would be double the amount of water that they normally drink. If the symptoms
are severe, cut back on the MSM and take baths with water hot enough to make you
sweat, but not so hot that you might pass out. Limit the baths to 20 minutes in
length. You may find it helpful to add ONE of the following to the bath water
and perhaps alternating between these items for different baths: a cup of
vinegar, a cup of baking soda, a cup of epsom salts, a half cup of chlorine
bleach. These substances each help leach out diffent toxins through your skin.

Is MSM the same as DMSO?
Although they are related, MSM has one more oxygen atom than DMSO does and that
difference makes it a significantly different substance. Another example of a
difference of adding an oxygen atom can be seen by comparing carbon monoxide (a
deadly gas) with carbon dioxide (a harmless gas).

Where does your MSM come from?
Our MSM starts off as North American pine trees. The DMSO is taken from them
during the paper milling process and then purified and oxygenated to make MSM.

What brand is your MSM?
Our MSM is made by one of the two major US manufacturers of MSM. We can not
publish the brand name due to pressure from the manufacturer's other customers
on them for us to raise our prices. However, I will give the brand name to
anyone that e-mails me at kerry@msm-msm.com.

I have arthritis. What works?
In The Miracle of MSM - The Natural Solution for Pain, the doctors that wrote
the book used MSM in their medical practices for arthritis patients. They found
that when MSM was combined with 1500 mg of glucosamine each day that it provided
more pain relief than either the MSM or glucosamine alone. They did not find
that chondroitin provided substantially any more relief. However, a recent
article in a popular consumer magazine cited several studies where both
glucosamine and chondroitin were found to provide substantial benefits when used
alone. There is currently a major study being conducted to see if both
glucosamine and chondroitin combined provide more benefit than either one alone.
One of the glucosamine studies found measurable differences in the x-rays
between the glucosamine group and the control (non-glucosamine) group which
provides much more subjective evidence that glucosamine produces substantial
benefits to those taking it. Again, remember that in clinical use it was found
that MSM and glucosamine used together provided the most relief.

What is glucosamine?
Glucosamine is an amino acid that is used in the formation of cartilage. It can
only be obtained in a combined salt form such as glucosamine hydrochloride or
glucosamine sulfate. Glucosamine is usually derived from clam shells. Although
no one has been identified as being allergic to glucosamine, those that are
allergic to shellfish should use caution.

What is chondroitin?

Chondroitin is a carbohydrate found in cartilage. It is usually derived from cow
cartilage although there are other sources that use shark, chicken, or pig
cartilage. It is also available only in a combined salt form as in chondroitin

What is Ester-C?

Ester-C is a non-acidic time-release form of Vitamin C that has more
bio-availability than regular ascorbic acid. It is more expensive than regular
Vitamin C, but has more benefits. Beside having no acid and being time-release,
you also get some dietary calcium from it.

Why is Vitamin C suggested when using MSM?

MSM promotes healing and healing involves forming new cells. Vitamin C is a
required raw material in forming healthy new cells. Yes, other raw materials are
also required and each of us should be eating properly or taking the proper
supplements. A recent study found that at least a quarter of us are deficient in
Vitamin C to start with. While this deficiency is not enough to cause scurvy, it
did cause several other problems including weak immune systems and fatigue. If
we are already deficient in Vitamin C and we need more when we are healing, then
most of us need to supplement with more Vitamin C.

How much Vitamin C should I take?
We recommend taking 1000 mg for each teaspoon (4000 mg) of MSM taken up to a
maximum of 3000 mg of Vitamin C daily.



Variety of MSM Information from a Document in the MSM Yahoo Group

April 11, 2011 at 9:50pm
Author: Cyn Johnson, owner of MSM-DIY list

NOTE: I quote many people in this document, but this work is my own and is not to be used for any commercial or medicinal purpose.

Please do your own homework and pay attention to the clues your body gives you. If you are under a doctor's care, please listen to that advise. If you are not comfortable with following your doctor's advise, then perhaps you should find a different doctor. NOTHING that is said on the list or in this document is intended to prescribe or advise.

(c) Cynthia Johnson, http://www.fragrantjoys.com 1997 - present

In order to keep track of the different nutritional elements discussed in the

booklet, I came up with an analogy that is working for me, so far....

Think of our body as a collection of different types of combustion engines. You
might have a car engine, a motorcycle engine, a lawn mower engine, a go cart,

etc... but one thing is true of all of them. Without a spark from the spark
plug, they don't usually start!

In this comparison, the spark plug is organic sulfur and the spark is the
various types of engines are the different amino acids and proteins and such,
that activate different organs and systems within the body (the different types
of combustion engines, to complete the analogy).

From "The MSM Miracle - Enhance your health with organic sulfur", by Earl. L.

Mindell, R.Ph., Ph.D. (booklet; 48pgs)

MSM promotes the transfer and utilization of water in all of our cells. It works
on a cellular basis to encourage, promote and enable healthy cell growth and
reproduction. Cells are more flexible... the exchange of fluids and nutrients
occurs with less stress and effort for the body.

Organic sulfur is critical and key to the production and utilization of several
different vitamins, minerals, proteins and amino acids in our bodies. These
elements include (but are not limited to):

**Methionine [sulfur amino acid] (plants convert MSM & DMSO to methionine)... a
building block of protein
.....increases production of lecithin which works to break down fat in in liver
and arteries
.....required for protein synthesis and formation of DNA/RNA
.....works to detoxify lead, cadmium, mercury and arsenic
.....helps diminish muscle weakness
.....proven to help with rheumatic fever
.....proven to help with osteoporosis
.....promotes excretion of estrogen
.....high intake/utilization seems to help in preventing kidney stone by
counteracting free radicals
.....deficiency of methionine & taurine is associated with some allergies and
autoimmune problems
.....is part of the pain relief peptide
.....is part of different mood-elevating endorphins
.....helps prevent problems of hair, skin and nails by supplying sulfur.
.....nourishes cartilage by supplying sulfur
.....not made by the body, so must some from foods/supplements
.....critical for synthesis of sulfur amino acid taurine
.....is converted by the body into the sulfur amino acid, cysteine (which is
required for glutathione)
**Cysteine [sulfur amino acid](plants convert MSM & DMSO)... a building block of
.....contribute to the structure of protein, in the form of cystine
.....present in keratin (primary protein of hair, skin and nails)
.....aids in production of collagen
.....provides elasticity in the skin
.....important in energy production (can be converted to glucose)
.....works with methionine to make lipoic acid (antioxidant that can reduce
diabetic's need for insulin)
.....also seems to render toxins and carcinogens harmless
.....promotes healing from respiratory disorders
.....promotes healing from severe burnes
.....helps prevent damage from free radiclas coming from raidation and
.....hospital ERs often administer cysteine to prevent liver damage in drug and
alcohol overdoses
.....raises T-cell levels in AIDS patients
.....some psychotic patients show severely lowered levels of sulfur-bearing

**Taurine [sulfur amino acid] (synthesized from cysteine in liver and methionine
throughout body)
.....taurine not found in vegetable proteins (so internal synthesis crucial for
.....conditionally essential for adults
.....essential to infants (crucial to development of central nervous system and
muscle tissue)
.....cysteine & Vit. B6 most critical nutrients to help make taurine.
.....key to metabolism
.....seems to lend stabilizing effect on cell membranes (help to maintain cell
strength and integrity)
.....aids transistion of calcium, potassium, magnesium and sodium in and out of
.....protective ability lent to sensitive tissues
.....found in large concentration in: white blood cells, kidney, brain, heart
and retina
.....2nd most important inhibitory neurotransmitter in brain (anticonvulsant &
antianxiety properties)
.....used in treatment of epilepsy and seizures
.....most important and abundant free amino acid in the heart
.....when in volved with metabolism of calcium in heart, is thought to affect
transmission of nerve impulses.
.....deficiency in blood and in eyes is linked to retinitis pigmentosa (eye
.....alcohol abuse linked to loss of taurine and inability to process
supplemented taurine
.....diabetes increases need for taurine (supplementation along with cysteine
may decrease insulin need)
.....component of bile (utilized in digestion of fats, absorption of fat-soluble
vitamins & cholesterol control)


Vitamin C (works synergistically with MSM)
Vitamin B complex...
.....in Biotin, sulfur helps metabolize fat (helpful to diabetics)
.....in Thiamine (Vt. B1) and in Insulin, sulfur is required for carbohydrate
.....Pantothenic acid & Potassium help assimilate enough MSM nutritional sulfur
[continue later]

A wide variety of ailments, pains and conditions are improved by the plentiful
presence of organic sulfur in the body. These conditions include (but are not
limited by):
[contiue later]



FAQ Page

What is MSM?
MSM is a natural organic sulfur compound. It occurs naturally in the foods we
eat, but often disappears or is significantly depleted because of the processing
done to our foods.

If it's a sulfur compound, can I take it if I'm allergic to sulfa drugs?
Sulfa drugs are a different family of products. No one has been verified to be
allergic to MSM. Also, since MSM is necessary for life the same as water is, it
would be like being allergic to water, which of course no one is.

How much MSM do I take?
We always recommend starting at a low level of between 500 and 1000 mg (eighth
to a quarter teaspoon) per day. Stay at that level for about a week and then add
another 500 to 1000 mg per day and stay at that level for a week. Continue in
the same way for several weeks never adding more than 2000 mg (half teaspoon) at
one time, until you are taking between 6 and 8 teaspoons per day. This high
level makes up for the years of deficiency that your body has experienced. Then
reduce the amount to a maintenance level for whatever works for you. This is a
balance between addressing what you want to address and being able to sleep as
well as you would like at night. For most people the maintenance level is
between 1 and 2 teaspoons (4000 to 8000 mg) per day. Always drink LOTS of water
when starting on MSM or when increasing the amount you are taking.

How many milligrams of MSM are in a teaspoon?
There are about 4000 mg (or 4 grams) of MSM in a measured level teaspoon.

What is detox?
MSM enables your cells and tissues to release toxins that have built up over the
years. Apparently sulfur is a vital part of our waste management system, and if
we have not had enough of it our bodies were not able to release some of the
waste substances. If you take too much MSM, your body will release too much
waste at one time for your kidneys and liver to handle. This waste in your blood
stream can cause all kinds of problems ranging from flu-like symptoms to
re-experiencing the effects of drugs that you have taken in the past. For
example, heavy caffiene users may feel extra-jittery. The key to reducing or
eliminating detox symptoms is to start on MSM slowly so that the waste in your
tissues is released slowly and to drink lots of water so that the released
toxins will be flushed out of your body quickly.

What do I do if detox symptoms happen anyway?
If the symptoms are not bad, you may just want to tough it out. They should go
away in a few days. Be sure to increase your water intake--for most people this
would be double the amount of water that they normally drink. If the symptoms
are severe, cut back on the MSM and take baths with water hot enough to make you
sweat, but not so hot that you might pass out. Limit the baths to 20 minutes in
length. You may find it helpful to add ONE of the following to the bath water
and perhaps alternating between these items for different baths: a cup of
vinegar, a cup of baking soda, a cup of epsom salts, a half cup of chlorine
bleach. These substances each help leach out diffent toxins through your skin.

Is MSM the same as DMSO?
Although they are related, MSM has one more oxygen atom than DMSO does and that
difference makes it a significantly different substance. Another example of a
difference of adding an oxygen atom can be seen by comparing carbon monoxide (a
deadly gas) with carbon dioxide (a harmless gas).

Where does your MSM come from?
Our MSM starts off as North American pine trees. The DMSO is taken from them
during the paper milling process and then purified and oxygenated to make MSM.

What brand is your MSM?
Our MSM is made by one of the two major US manufacturers of MSM. We can not
publish the brand name due to pressure from the manufacturer's other customers
on them for us to raise our prices. However, I will give the brand name to
anyone that e-mails me at kerry@msm-msm.com.

I have arthritis. What works?
In The Miracle of MSM - The Natural Solution for Pain, the doctors that wrote
the book used MSM in their medical practices for arthritis patients. They found
that when MSM was combined with 1500 mg of glucosamine each day that it provided
more pain relief than either the MSM or glucosamine alone. They did not find
that chondroitin provided substantially any more relief. However, a recent
article in a popular consumer magazine cited several studies where both
glucosamine and chondroitin were found to provide substantial benefits when used
alone. There is currently a major study being conducted to see if both
glucosamine and chondroitin combined provide more benefit than either one alone.
One of the glucosamine studies found measurable differences in the x-rays
between the glucosamine group and the control (non-glucosamine) group which
provides much more subjective evidence that glucosamine produces substantial
benefits to those taking it. Again, remember that in clinical use it was found
that MSM and glucosamine used together provided the most relief.

What is glucosamine?
Glucosamine is an amino acid that is used in the formation of cartilage. It can
only be obtained in a combined salt form such as glucosamine hydrochloride or
glucosamine sulfate. Glucosamine is usually derived from clam shells. Although
no one has been identified as being allergic to glucosamine, those that are
allergic to shellfish should use caution.

What is chondroitin?

Chondroitin is a carbohydrate found in cartilage. It is usually derived from cow
cartilage although there are other sources that use shark, chicken, or pig
cartilage. It is also available only in a combined salt form as in chondroitin

What is Ester-C?

Ester-C is a non-acidic time-release form of Vitamin C that has more
bio-availability than regular ascorbic acid. It is more expensive than regular
Vitamin C, but has more benefits. Beside having no acid and being time-release,
you also get some dietary calcium from it.

Why is Vitamin C suggested when using MSM?

MSM promotes healing and healing involves forming new cells. Vitamin C is a
required raw material in forming healthy new cells. Yes, other raw materials are
also required and each of us should be eating properly or taking the proper
supplements. A recent study found that at least a quarter of us are deficient in
Vitamin C to start with. While this deficiency is not enough to cause scurvy, it
did cause several other problems including weak immune systems and fatigue. If
we are already deficient in Vitamin C and we need more when we are healing, then
most of us need to supplement with more Vitamin C.

How much Vitamin C should I take?
We recommend taking 1000 mg for each teaspoon (4000 mg) of MSM taken up to a
maximum of 3000 mg of Vitamin C daily.



Liposomal Vitamin C, Equivalent to IV Vitamin C!

March 19, 2011 at 11:29am
I was really upset when the FDA recently axed the IV Vitamin C by forbidding pharmacies from compounding it. Through one of my yahoo groups someone mentioned liposomal vitamin C. I had never heard of it. Basically, you encapsulate the vitamin C molecules in some fatty acids and lecithin. Here is some information and also you can supposedly make this at home yourself.


Homemade Liposomal Vitamin C

Compare The Facts:
  • 1,000 mg vitamin C tablet or capsule
    Absorption 19% = 190 mg into blood stream
  • 1,000 mg liposomal vitamin C (1 tsp)
    Absorption 93% = 930 mg into blood stream
  • You can get incredible amounts into the blood stream without the risk of diarrhea which will occur long before you can absorb even 1,500 mg into the blood stream from traditional tablets or capsules.
  • The ease of use, taking small amounts of a pleasant tasting liquid instead of several large capsules, is a significant factor for many.

General Info

More on Liposomal Nutrients against Cancer

One Anti-Cancer Effect of Turmeric-By Activating Vitamin D Receptors

February 12, 2011 at 10:19am
Saw this in a Life Extension magazine that I get in the mail. This study actually make me more excited about Vitamin D than curcumin or turmeric. It possibly looks like one of the pathways curcumin is anti-cancerous is through the activation of vitamin D receptors. This study confirms for me, that keeping Layla in the upper safe range of Vitamin D is very important. I will definitely continue to give turmeric, because there are other anti-inflammatory properties and who knows if there is a defect in her biologically that limits activation of these receptors by oral vitamin D that caused the cancer in the first place? The great thing is that they are studying Vitamin D for autism and keeping the kids at the upper end of the safe range of Vitamin D or 100 ng/ml so we have a guide for dosage. To achieve this goal you give approx. 2000iu D3 per 25lb of body weight according to Dr. Cannell, leading Vitamin D expert and head of the Vitamin D Council.


The safe range dosage for Vitamin D is 35ng/ml to 125ng/ml
"Dr. John Cannell, who is attributed as being the father of the vitamin D theory of autism, makes specific recommendations. According to Dr. Cannell, reporting in the October 2008 issue of "Medical Hypotheses" autistic children should maintain blood levels of 100 nano grams vitamin D3 per milliliter by supplementing at least 2,000 IU per day for every 25 pounds of body weight"


Generational Nutrition Study

February 11, 2011 at 3:37pm
This topic fascinates me because I believe it explains the unexplainable of why a child gets cancer, why a child is born with defects and the rampant rise of autism, ADHD, and other childhood behavioral disorders. Regardless of the health of the immediate parents, it is the previous generations (up to 8 generations backwards!) of malnourishment that can be the cause. What is more likely though, is that the parents are simply continuing the same poor diet patterns that were taught by their parents and now pushed by fancy TV marketing for refined foods, sodas, etc.

From Othormolecular Medicine for Everyone by Abram Hoffer, MD, PhD and Andrew Saul, PhD
"Dr. J. R. Galler, director of the Center for Behavioral Development and Mental Retardation at Boston University School of Medicine, studied the effect of constant malnutrition on many generations of animals. She used descendants of a colony of malnourished rats begun in the mid-1960's. Animals born of undernourished mothers were smaller, weighed less, had behavioral problems, and were more susceptible to disease. On the same diet, there was a steady decline for eight generations. After that, there was no further deterioration. When the animals were given an adequate diet, it took FOUR generations before they were rehabilitated. Her human studies showed the deterioration within one generation (about twenty years) when children were living on poor diets. This suggests on a poor diet, deterioration will continue for over 100 years."

I haven't personally done any research on the topic of gene expression, but studies are now coming out showing that genes are being altered throughout your life depending on your diet, lifestyle, etc. The study above from the '60s also shows the possibility that these genes are passed through to the next generation.

Interesting video and information on generational nutrition: