I'm just a parent, but I know there are natural ways to nourish our children as they go through their bout with cancer. My goal with this blog is to give parents the information that their oncologists may not know or give them so they have the information at their fingertips when they need it. There may not be a natural way to cure cancer (but my view of that is changing!), but I believe there can be a strong "synergy" of anti-cancer foods and supplements that have the ability to make modern medical treatment more effective and at the very least extend lives. My diet philosophy is of whole foods and a whole foods based diet. Whole foods nourish the body as a whole, strengthen the immune system and in turn help it to fight cancer. This is a collection of my personal and ongoing research that started when my daughter was diagnosed with AT/RT brain cancer.
-Weldon Williford, Father

Friday, April 29, 2011

Start Sloooow!!!

I have had the honor to begin working with some other parents on getting them started with Layla's Tumor Busting Protocol and we have realized something real quick, you must start slowly when introducing supplements to keep from getting severe nausea and other side effects. I felt it necessary to write a full post about this as others begin to embark on a natural means of cancer treatment or use Layla's Protocol as an adjunctive therapy with other treatments.

The Worse the Deficiency, The Worse the Corrective Reaction
You see examples of this all over the internet. "Vitamin D made me sick" or "Iodine made me sick" or even "Salt makes me sick and is poison". No, no, and no, the vitamins and minerals did not make you sick, this is how TOXIC of a state your body is in right now. You have so much lactic acid, acetaldehyde, heavy metal build-up, and other nitrogen and ammonia based toxins that when you introduce something that has been missing in your diet, it sets off a chain reaction due to the large amounts of active material present. I'll give you an experiment you can do at home. Get some vinegar, representing the toxic acid build-up in your body, and then get some baking soda, representing the vitamins, minerals and supplements you may take to get healthy. Put just a few drops of vinegar in the bowl, which would represent a healthy body and then add a little baking soda to it, you get a reaction, but a pretty small one. Now, representing a body that has been chemo'd and radiated, fill up the bowl with acidic vinegar. It will take more supplementation to get rid of all of this vinegar, so you'll have to add more baking soda to neutralize it. Now you get a BIG reaction. This is no different inside your body. This acetaldehyde and lactic acid have built-up to such high levels throughout your body that the only thing the body knows to do is "throw up" to try and level things out and calm everything down when too much supplementation is given at one time.

The Longer the Deficiency, The Higher the Dose to Correct the Deficiency
On another note, the longer you have any deficiency, typically the higher the dose of vitamin it takes to correct that deficiency. You may have to take this high dose for the rest of your life to keep symptoms at bay. This is not generally a problem with children since they are so young, that is one reason they bounce back so quickly from treatment even with normal food nutrition. Just keep in mind as an older adult, you may have to take megadoses of some vitamins to get the same results a teenager or young adult would. From what I have read, the body is "lazy". If you don't have enough vitamins to catalyze certain reactions, it will just turn off certain enzymes or dumb them down, so it takes a large amount of vitamins to get them to work again. Schizophrenia is just one example where dosages of as much as 60 grams of Niacinamide are not unheard of for treatment of this disease.

Baby Steps
Children are reactive because their systems are already primed for nutrition due to growth needs. It takes very little supplementation to get an amazing response. What I have realized is that although everything is necessary on Layla's Protocol, these things have been added over time and the dosages increased over time as I have learned more about therapeutic dosage rates. I feel it may be best to "imitate" my nutritional discoveries by adding one or two supplements at a time, that way you can get a feel for what kind of side effects the supplement may give. Look for nausea, headaches, nausea, sneezing(mainly with iodine) loose stools or constipation as signs of side effects. Just keep in mind that with the bowels, they do take a couple of days to adjust to some things, especially magnesium and iodine. They also tend to build up some bowel tolerance over time to vitamin C as well, but vitamin C makes a great natural laxative with higher doses if needed. Vitamin C bowel tolerance will also increase with illness, indicating a higher need and dosage for this nutrient.

Safe Bets to Start With
In my opinion, the supplements that are closest to food as far as in a normal, non-therapeutic dosage are the best to start with to get the overload of toxins down to a manageable level so that other supplements can be added. Of the supplements on Layla's Protocol, vitamin C, sea salt, vitamin D, the Concentrace trace mineral supplement, a small portion of the multi-vitamin, and very small amount of the NOW brand bone strength would be best to begin with.  

Vitamin C/Sodium Ascorbate
Vitamin C is very non-toxic and common in foods, so you are not introducing anything new to the system. Vitamin C also has a chelating effect, meaning it will grab toxins like a magnet so they can be excreted. Vitamin C is water soluble and only stays in the body for a short period of time, so it is best to use small, frequent doses to maintain the blood levels at all times. Even in nighttime feedings, put some vitamin C in the bottle.

Celtic Sea Salt
Salt is also something that the body is used to. A couple shakes of the shaker in their food or bottle is all that is required. Do just as you would if you were having a meal. This will supply small amounts of sodium along with some sea-based trace minerals to start breaking down the acids in their bodies. It also supplies chloride, this is what the body uses to bind toxins to so they can be excreted with urine. This is why urine is salty, or so I've been told :-).

Concentrace Trace Mineral Drops
These trace mineral drops primarily supply magnesium and chloride as the sodium has been removed from this product. This is an easy product to start with due to the control factor. Drop by drop you can easily control the dosage. One drop is equivalent to about 6mg of magnesium. This can act as a catalyst for many reactions, so this will probably be the most adjusted supplement when working with your child. The magnesium gets things going and then it also has chloride to supply the "dump trucks" to get the garbage out afterwards. It also contains many trace minerals involved in "mini-reactions" that are required for larger reactions to take place in the body as part of detoxification processes.

Vitamin D Drops
Vitamin D is also a body detoxifier. I would recommend starting with the 400iu drops, just one drop per day for a few weeks. As a matter of fact, I still use the 400iu drops because I put these in her bottle and feel comfortable that she will get a good amount of it versus putting 1 or 2 drops in the bottle and those 2 drops end up being left stuck inside. I do not fear vitamin D as many do so I usually put a few drops extra just because of this possibility.

A good multi-vitamin is essential as a basis for any good nutritional program when you are dealing with cancer. A multi-vitamin though is loaded with great nutrients that can cause a bunch of reactions. If you remember in my baking soda/vinegar example, the best way to control this is with dosage. Even if it is only a 1/4 of a packet per day, spread out over 3 meals, the child is getting more nutrition than he/she would have otherwise. I find it is best to work in week long periods when making adjustments upwards, so use that as a timeline for increases.

NOW Bone Strength
This is really one of my favorite mineral supplements. I originally just bought it because microcrystaline hydroxy-appetite is the best absorbable and assimilated form of calcium that you can buy, in my opinion. This supplement goes far beyond just being a calcium supplement with other anti-cancer vitamins and minerals included such as zinc and vitamin B1/thiamine. I like that it is total of 6 capsules for an adult dose so for a child you can easily manage splitting up capsules to measure out dosages. Again, if it is only 1/4 of a capsule per day, it is more nutrition than the child would have gotten otherwise.

A Great and FREE Detoxifier
To assist in the detox process so your child can up their dosages and take more supplements from the protocol, it is the perfect time of year to get in the sun! Acetaldehyde, that nasty alcohol I keep talking about, is UV sensitive. This means just by getting the sun you will trigger reactions in the body causing this alcohol to be reduced, no supplementation required! What I have done with Layla is to strip her down to her diaper and go on the back porch between the hours of 11am-2pm for about 20min (10min on front and back) or until her skin starts to get pretty red. You now know from my previous post that this redness is more than likely due to the acetaldehyde being broken down in the body, not necessarily any kind of sunburn or sun related redness. Not only is this great to get rid of acetaldehyde directly but it also increases vitamin D which will give a lasting detox effect for the rest of the day. There are some pointers to remember to maximize vitamin D production. It is best to have a good amount of fatty acids in the skin either due to oils in your diet, by supplementing, or by rubbing an oil such as virgin coconut oil into your skin. These fatty acids are required to stimulate the vitamin D making enzymes in the skin. Then it is crucial that you do not wash the skin for at least 6 hours after exposure. The sunlight is still stored in this oily skin layer until after this amount of time working with those enzymes to make the hormone vitamin D which is subsequently used or stored in your fat tissues.

Don't Get Discouraged
Everything will come with time. It takes time to get over toxic chemo and radiation treatments, it will take time to build up supplementation. If you are like me, you want to do everything now, because you want to get rid of those tumors and make sure they don't come back. It's just very important not to push too hard, because if you induce vomiting, you are defeating the whole purpose of the supplementation program.  That is, to bring your child up to a sufficient nutritional status so that his/her body's immune system can fight the cancer using the tools that GOD gave them to fight cancer in the first place. This idea seems to have been forgotten by the modern medical community. Take it easy, start slow, and enjoy the fruits of your labor as you start to see your child have less pain, do things physically they have not done in a long time, and a mental clarity you would never expect from someone with cancer and GOD willing, naturally beating it into submission.