A Few Words Before the Show
Nearly all illness is caused by malnutrition, lifestyle and exposure to toxins. Even if we knew exactly what to eat or supplement, how to live, or what to avoid, there is one thing we can't change in the general population and that is BEHAVIOR. We know drinking and driving kills yet many do it anyway, we know excessive drinking is bad for our health yet many do it every weekend, some every night. As an example, a couple cannot expect to live carefree & "party hardy" through their twenties and then just decide to have a child, stop partying for a few months, conceive a child and expect not to have any problems during or after pregnancy. Please don't take this the wrong way, I'm not directing my passion against the parents of children with cancer. God knows, I have been a health nut since college and neither my wife nor myself were taking enough vitamin D or even thought of supplementing with iodine prior to conceiving Layla. I didn't even know I had the ability to produce or make my own baby formula at home that would be hundreds of times more nutritious and less toxic than the junk on the shelves that we are told is good for our children. Baby formula is healthy if you think perchlorate, melamine, corn syrup, soybean and canola oils, oxidized fats, denatured proteins, a toxic form of DHA, toxic forms of vitamins and more are healthy for your child. I highly recommend this Yahoo Group if anyone chooses to make their own, there are some really experienced people on this board. One does not get off the hook either with breastfeeding. Unless consuming enough vitamin D, iodine and other nutrients for the mother AND the child, the child is not being done a great service either. Is it your fault as the parent? NO! It's the medical establishment that is bombarded with marketing propaganda at every turn to ensure these toxic baby products are used and pushed by the pediatricians. There is even propaganda to suggest not breastfeeding because it makes vaccines less effective!!! Ear infections? Not iodine, give them toxic antibiotics and cram some tubes in their ears, that sounds pretty natural right? Videos like the one I am giving you on this post are a great way to educate yourself. Don't rely on your doctor as the absolute gospel, especially when it comes to nutrition. Many doctors I have seen don't look very healthy themselves. The beauty of the internet is that information cannot be suppressed anymore. You can read the research studies yourself, not having the information filtered throught corporate controlled, mass media marketing. I encourage everyone to watch this video, but don't stop here, continue to learn and educate yourself. I think you will be surprised at how much accurate and fully researched information is available FOR FREE and contradicts much of what you may have been told your whole life. This information should help you and your family lead a healthier life and definitely increase the odds of beating any cancer. Cancer is a degenerative-type condition, usually brought on by malnutrition and one of the best ways to correct a problem is to correct the deficiency that caused it in the first place.
And Now On With the Show!
Key Slides For Review