I'm just a parent, but I know there are natural ways to nourish our children as they go through their bout with cancer. My goal with this blog is to give parents the information that their oncologists may not know or give them so they have the information at their fingertips when they need it. There may not be a natural way to cure cancer (but my view of that is changing!), but I believe there can be a strong "synergy" of anti-cancer foods and supplements that have the ability to make modern medical treatment more effective and at the very least extend lives. My diet philosophy is of whole foods and a whole foods based diet. Whole foods nourish the body as a whole, strengthen the immune system and in turn help it to fight cancer. This is a collection of my personal and ongoing research that started when my daughter was diagnosed with AT/RT brain cancer.
-Weldon Williford, Father

Friday, April 15, 2011

Cancer, A Vitamin C, D, Sulfur, & Iodine Deficiency Disease, An Overview

My wife and others say I have a tendency to talk about things without helping others understand what I'm trying to say. I am going to try my best with this series of posts to make this as simple as possible to understand. Some of it I myself don't really don't understand, I just know what it does, and that's all that matters. I plan to break this down piece by piece and allow others to learn how to beat this nasty disease with me.

Why is there a Deficiency of these Nutrients?
There are several reasons we are deficient in these vitamins and minerals. I believe the number one cause is the bastardization of the food supply from the earth. No longer do animals roam in pastures, fish swim in the ocean, or in some cases plants even grow in dirt(hydroponics)! All of these practices result in lower sulfur, vitamin C, iodine, and a number of other nutrients that are essential to a long term healthy life. Anyone else find it strange that of the founding fathers(okay, I'm a history nut too), most lived to ripe old ages, even drank wine like fish, never took a supplement(they didn't exist), and what looks to be the worst problem they had was false teeth? The food supply had not been "modernized and industrialized" in 1776. Sure there was suffering, because there were poor who didn't have access to all foods, and why I used the founding fathers as an example as most were well-to-do citizens.

I believe the number two cause is too simplistic modern medical advice. They love to say no sugar, no salt, no fat or saturated fat, and my favorite no egg yolks. Medical professionals refuse to look at the person as a whole. Take something out of one system and it affects another. They also love to fear monger. It has taken ten years to prove up to 40,000iu per day of vitamin D is completely safe, but I met a pastor just today who has skin cancer and overweight and the doctor told him take a measly 400iu per day! This is not even enough for an infant let alone an overweight person. Iodine has not been studied in over 70 years, yet every doctor and endocrinologist has an "opinion" on it. It was used in pre-modern medicine for over 100 years which led to it's discovery as an essential nutrient in the diet. A typical modern day, pharmaceutical company hit piece came out in the 40's to scare everyone from iodine using baseless accusations. Coincidentally, this era is when everyone also traded cod liver oil for vaccinations. Drug company propaganda?, you tell me, remember Crisco, "the healthy fat"? Pretty soon, as now parents are privately sneaking vitamin D and other antioxidants in their children's feeding tubes, drug companies will shout "look we have improved the cure rates for these cancers!", when it nothing more than parents improving their child's nutritional status. Coincidentally, a now known vitamin D disease, leukemia, suddenly has improved pharmaceutical drug cure rates, hmmm. Doctors now scare women to death to stay away from seafood when you are pregnant to avoid mercury-(which iodine and sulfur help eliminate from the body!). This leads to only more iodine deficiency and more childhood suffering and breast cancer to boot. Many have traded iodized salt(and for good reason) for sea salt, but forget now to supplement iodine to even get the minimum required to prevent goiter. Knowing that acetaldehyde is the root of all our cancers and probably heart disease as well, I could easily act like an allopathic doctor and say "stay away from dairy, it causes more acetaldehyde production". This would not make any sense to eliminate a near complete source of nutrition for the body when it's not the dairy that is the issue, it is the lack of vitamin C, D, sulfur, and iodine!

Number three, I think we can blame a little on Adam and Eve for modesty and clothing, but really it's our air conditioned/heated homes with televisions, gaming systems, and anything that can keep us from going outside in the sun with some skin showing and NO sunscreen.

Combine these three problems and you have the heart disease and cancer epidemic that we have today. It makes absolutely no sense, when we live in a world with the internet where anything and everything nutrient related is at our fingertips.

Does Cancer Eat Glucose or Lactic Acid?
All I have ever read is that cancer eats sugar so cut back on sugar. That's only half the truth and only half of most tumors. The outer layers of tumors do still eat glucose or lactic acid, just as our cells do, because they have not been completely taken over by the cancer. These are also the most reactive to radiation and chemotherapy. However, the hardest to kill part of the tumor and usually the interior portion lives strictly on lactic acid fermentation. Revision:"Tumor cells further from vessels are hypoxic and inefficiently burn a lot of glucose to keep going. In turn, they produce lactate as a waste product." "Tumor cells with good oxygen supply actually prefer to burn lactate," aka. lactic acid fermentation, this study from Duke University opened my eyes to this. Once I was armed with this piece of information, I then went hunting for information on lactic acid fermentation as I knew little about it. Then I found this lab study from 1932 on how lactic acid breaks down. This is how I learned about acetaldehyde which is broken down into acetic acid and then removed from the body. This is why antioxidants play such a huge role in the body. Antioxidants, sort of like the oil in an engine, make the lactic acid break down much more easily as well as it's byproducts. Here is the reference quote from the 1932 lab study ""the conditions necessary for the maximum yield of acetaldehyde were also those which tended to reduce the oxidation potential of the oxidizing agent". If the lactic acid is allowed to pool anywhere in the body, it lowers the PH of that area and forces cells in that area to starve for oxygen and switch over to a more fermentative mode of energy production. If it stays acidic long enough you have inflammation and acetaldehyde build-up and eventually cancer. Many state that cancer is nothing more than a survival mechanism where cells are adapting to their surrounding (anaerobic) environment. Now I assume the antioxidant would also allow for easier reconversion to glucose essentially raising the PH of the area by reducing the excessive lactic acid build-up. If it converts to acetaldehyde, then the sulfur and sulfur proteins in the body would neutralize it into acetic acid which is harmless to the body provided there is ample sulfur for this process to complete. Even in this simple explanation you can see why something as simple as sulfur/MSM can quell inflammation. The problem with tumors, unlike muscles which also burn lactic acid for fuel, is that your body never gets a rest period. The tumor is always sitting there, turning glucose into lactic acid and lactic acid into the poison acetaldehyde. Your body's defenses become "used up" and blocked by the enormous amount of acetaldehyde and the cancer takes over. This acetaldehyde is the reason for cancer metastasis as it binds with red blood cells, enzymes, basically anything as a carrier and poisons the whole body. Any weak areas of the body will now become inflamed and then cancerous as well.

Multiple Pathways of Attack
Armed with this information, I wanted to know how to break down this lactic acid cycle that takes place at the site of tumors. There are ways to starve it, hit it when it eats, and then poison it with it's own byproducts, using the body's own defenses. What I have discovered through this process is how the body fights ANY infection, not just cancer. The body can defend itself just fine provided it has ample nutrition to do the job. When the body turns into a diseased state that's when the body needs just a little bit of help, using higher doses of the nutrients the body would use anyway. Simple chemistry can be used to determine the best antagonists to the process. This is why most natural cancer treatments are non-toxic.

Yeah, had to get the Reagan quote in there. Basically, nothing can happen until you break down the pool of acetaldehyde, a free radical, cross-linked wall that forms around cancers. This is why doctors have the most success when they can inject poisons straight into tumors. How do you neutralize this alcohol? The same way the body does using sulfur-based proteins, except we are skipping the whole protein link and using pure sulfur/MSM to do the dirty work. The sulfur makes the kreb cycle happen where the alcohol is converted into acetic acid. There is another natural cycle to break down this alcohol that is the NADH cycle. Niacin/B3 plays the active role in this cycle has been a "good for what ails you" vitamin for the past 60 years with much work by Dr. Abram Hoffer. Big coincidence, it's good for the arteries and now part of many heart medications-you can see the inflammation/acetaldehyde link. Tear down the wall and the body is no longer "blind" to the invading tumor. Enzymes are reactivated, including prostaglandin E2 which is the anti-inflammatory, tumor suppressor signaling hormone. This is where cod liver oil along with a saturated fat become important because it stimulates these prostaglandins, making them more active. "On the omega-3 pathway, the Series 3 prostaglandins are produced from a 20-carbon quintuple unsaturated fatty acid called eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) found plentifully in fish liver oils and fish eggs" http://www.pensgard.com/nutrition/4_Prostaglandins.htm
Another important secondary mineral comes into play here, magnesium. Magnesium stimulates the immune system and aids in the detoxification and elimination of the byproducts of these numerous enzyme based reactions.

Put Some Lime on that Garden!
Doesn't your garden get a little acidic over the course of the season and over the winter? This is due to fungus and bacteria breaking down organic material, sound familiar? This is why we put a little lime out each spring to balance this out. What is lime made of? Calcium carbonate, but calcium is the key ingredient. Due to breakthrough research we know that vitamin D regulates calcium and mobilizes it to neutralize acidic areas of the body, hence why it would prevent pain and inflammation. What happens when we mix calcium and lactic acid, why it becomes calcium lactate, still a strong antacid! Take away the lactic acid, starve the tumor. Also, this calcium lactate is still continuing to do it's job by maintaining a higher PH in the area and allowing the body's enzymes to be activated and white blood cells mobilized to battle all parts of the tumors and healing processes to take place.

Stick A Bomb in It!
Not only do tumors have to take in glucose or lactic acid, but they need minerals just as our cells to do to maintain their cell membranes. The difference between tumors and our cells is they have a high affinity for certain minerals over others. One misconception is that tumors are completely acidic, only outside the cells are acidic. Inside the cells are actually alkaline.  Potassium is an alkaline mineral that tumors really like to take in. Just from a simple chemistry lab chart, one can see that sulfur and selenium both react with potassium and could cause a violent reaction, well at least figuratively. Anytime you react an acid and a base you get a reaction and the strength of each determine how strong the reaction is. So you can imagine that an overloaded potassium filled tumor will not be happy once it comes near sulfur or sulfur based compounds. The whole sulfur cycle is very complex involving sulfur proteins, glutathione, thiols, and more which is beyond my scope of education. Hydrogen sulfide is another compound formed in this cycle that is known to react with acetaldehyde. One would assume that sulfur molecules are pulled into the cells along the potassium where the sulfur wreaks havoc on the fermentation process. A good clue would be from the 1932 lab study: "the interfering substances themselves may yield sulfite-binding substances". Meaning there are substances within the lactic acid cycle that bind with sulfur and interfere with the breakdown of lactic acid, starving and poisoning it from the inside out. This quote from the Duke University Study: "But when the researchers cut off the cells' ability to use lactate, the hypoxic cells didn't get as much glucose." "For the dangerous hypoxic cells, "it is glucose or death," said Pierre Sonveaux"

Get The Fish Out of The Water!
Tumors hate oxygen, at least a good portion of them. From the lab experiment we know what antioxidants do which are to aid in the break down of lactic acid to it's byproducts, and oxidants do the opposite. Oxygen breaks the lactic acid cycle or slows it significantly. There is evidence showing that if you can force an anaerobic cell to become aerobic by forcing it to breathe, it "relaxes" an can actually revert to a normal healthy cell.
"This is also called the Krebs cycle or the tricarboxylic acid cycle. When oxygen is present, acetyl-CoA is produced from the pyruvate molecules created from glycolysis. Once acetyl-CoA is formed, two processes can occur, aerobic or anaerobic respiration. When oxygen is present, the mitochondria will undergo aerobic respiration which leads to the Krebs cycle. However, if oxygen is not present, fermentation of the pyruvate molecule will occur." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cellular_respiration
What is one way the body can do this? With vitamin C. Once the acetaldehyde wall is torn down, white blood cells can mobilize and utilize vitamin C to dump hydrogen peroxide on the tumor. This hydrogen peroxide not only poisons the tumor but interacts with a nearby iodide molecule and creates oxygen. This either reverts the tumor cells back to aerobic respiration or the tumor starves due to the lactic acid cycle being broken. Vitamin C is a strong chelator and detoxifier all on it's own and why high dose vitamin C such as IV vitamin C or lypospheric vitamin C is able to overwhelm the acetaldehyde barrier and shrink tumors all by itself. When combined with adequate iodine and and active immune system to mobilize it, vitamin C packs a pretty potent punch.

Poisoned by It's Own Poop!
This is what got me real excited about the the MSM/sulfur. When sulfur reacts with acetaldehyde (the tumor's poop) it creates acetic acid. Acetic acid is poison to tumors. It's poison in-vitro(test tube) and in-vivo when directly injected into a tumor. I assume the acetic acid essentially suffocates the tumor in a similar manner to the findings in this study. Again the interior of a tumor is alkaline. By overwhelming the tumor with acid, it breaks down the tumor cell membranes causing apoptosis or cell death. If sulfur is possibly already in the tumor cell, as soon as it would metabolize the lactic acid, the sulfur would bind up with acetaldehyde before it had a chance to "poop out" the alcohol so it is poisoned from the inside out. This may be the most likely case depending on how the immune system uses calcium and the resultant calcium lactate as an antacid, which would negate acetic acids effect externally, but again, this is beyond my scope of knowledge.

Set up a Mine Field
So how do you keep the tumors from coming back? The exact same mechanisms prevent cancer that cure it as cancer is typically nothing more than physical degeneration due to nutritional deficiencies.

1. Utilize antioxidants to support the liver and break down excess lactic acid into it's non-harmful byproducts very quickly and efficiently that are not sent back to the liver for re-conversion to glucose.
2. Ensure adequate vitamin D status to mobilized calcium to quell excessive acid in inflamed areas as well as mobilize white blood cells that are equipped with adequate vitamin C.
3. Ensure adequate sulfur intake. Sulfur neutralizes any lactic acid byproducts such as acetaldehyde into harmless acetic acid. Ensure adequate sulfur intake by eating plenty of organic and pasture-based fruits, vegetables, milk, eggs, meats, and most importantly through the use of MSM/organic sulfur.
4. Ensure adequate iodine intake. Iodine works in two ways to get rid of or reduce acetaldehyde in the body. Not only does it react with the alcohol directly, but it also kills or reduces the amount of yeast, candida, and other fungus in the body that would produce more acetaldehyde that would poison the body if left unchecked. There are also studies that iodine kills cancer cells directly, most likely because cancer metabolizes in a similar fashion to other anaerobic microbes. Many people battle with yeast infections, most likely due to iodine deficiency.
"Iodine also induces apoptosis, programmed cell death. This process is essential to growth and development (fingers form in the fetus by apoptosis of the tissue between them) and for destroying cells that represent a threat to the integrity of the organism, like cancer cells and cells infected with viruses. Human lung cancer cells with genes spliced into them that enhance iodine uptake and utilization undergo apoptosis and shrink when given iodine, both when grown in vitro outside the body and implanted in mice. Its anti-cancer function may well prove to be iodine's most important extrathyroidal benefit." http://www.lewrockwell.com/miller/miller20.html
5. Finally, although not an active treatment which is the focus of this article, eat a low-oxidative diet by utilizing virgin coconut oil, butter or ghee, palm oil, extra virgin olive oils. Also, fermented foods help boost the bacteria in the gut. These bacteria serve several purposes, two are breaking down proteins and minerals into B-Vitamins that are important to the sulfur cycle and competing with yeasts and fungus that left unchecked would produce too much acetaldehyde and other toxins that could enter the bloodstream and over time lead to inflammatory diseases and cancer.

In summary, if Vitamin C, D, Sulfur and Iodine are at adequate levels in the body, how can a individual tumor cell survive to grow into a tumor? As soon as it would "poop", it would instantly be poisoned by acetic acid. With adequate vitamin C, D, and Iodine these cancerous cells may never form in first place due to reduction of localized acidity in body and would lead to normal, healthy, oxygen based cell respiration.

For information on how to purchase items in this post see my blog post featuring everything Layla takes on a daily basis.
“The doctor of the future will no longer treat the human frame
with drugs, but rather will cure and prevent disease with nutrition.”

- Thomas Edison

Diagnostic Nuclear Medicine
"Tumors concentrate Potassium Ions and Thallium..."

The Determination of Lactic Acid
I'll make this one easy with key information ;-).
"theconditions necessary for the maximum yield of acetaldehyde were also those which tended to reduce the oxidation potential of the oxidizing agent" "the interfering substances themselves may yield sulfite-binding substances" 

 Lactic Acid Found to Fuel Tumors

Lactic Acid Fermentation

Hydrogen Peroxide

Decomposition of Hydrogen Peroxide LabThis is a featured page
"As hydrogen peroxide decomposes very slowly, an enzyme or another type of catalyst is used to speed up the reaction. In this experiment, potassium iodide (KI) was used as the catalyst. The decomposition of hydrogen peroxide produces water and oxygen gas, as the following formula illustrates:"

2O2(aq) --> 2H2O(l) + O2(g)

The importance of Calcium in cellular respiration
"If insufficient oxygen is present, the cell then uses glycolation to produce its required energy, resulting in the accumulation of lactic acid in the cell, which can eventually result in cell death. However, calcium buffered mildly alkaline cellular fluids can provide adequate oxygen for the Krebs cycle to occur, thus preventing and/or reversing the buildup of the toxic lactic acid. "

What Is Calcium Lactate Used for?
"Lactic acid, if reacted with any of a number of basic calcium compounds such as oxide, hydroxide or carbonate, yields calcium lactate" "Calcium lactate makes an excellent quick-acting antacid. It is water-soluble and quickly dissolves and goes to work.

Living with Alcohol

"The primary detoxification mechanism for scavenging unmetabolized acetaldehyde is sulfur-containing antioxidants [see Figure A]. The two most important are cysteine, a conditionally essential amino acid, and glutathione, a cysteine-containing tripeptide (a three-amino-acid polymer) [see Figure B]. Cysteine and glutathione are active against acetaldehyde (and formaldehyde) because they contain a reduced (unoxidized) form of sulfur called a sulfhydryl group, which contains a sulfur atom bonded to a hydrogen atom (abreviated SH).

"Sulfhydryl groups interact with aldehydes to render tham incapable of forming cross links. This “mops up” or scavenges any stray acetaldehyde that is not properly metabolized into acetate (acetic acid) [see Figure A]. Although this is a powerful aldehyde detoxification mechanism, it is easily overwhelmed by the relatively large amounts of alcohol that are typically consumed with alcoholic beverages as compared to the amounts of alcohol and acetaldehyde that are produced through normal metabolism. Fortunately, sulfhydryl antioxidants can easily be fortified through dietary supplementation."

"Cross-linking is a process by which “molecular bridges” are formed between “reactive sites” on different molecules. These cross-links “tie up” the affected molecules and interfere with their normal function. In some circumstances, molecular function can be completely blocked by cross-linking." " Cross linking is another term for the activity of "free radicals."  I have hundreds of pages on other web sites about what free radicals are and how they are considered the sole cause of heart disease and cancer."

Effects of acetylsalicylic acid and acetic acid solutions in VX2 
http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0102-86502006000300006"Based on this experimental model and the methodology employed, we conclude that these solutions cause neoplastic cell death in vitro." 

"When certain hazardous chemicals are stored or mixed together, violent reactions may occur because the chemicals are unsuitable for mixing, or are incompatible."http://www.c-f-c.com/charts/chemchart.htm


  1. Wow I'm going to have to come back and read all of this when I have more time.LOL I get the gist of it from my quick scan and I agree. we have got too far away from food as it used to be. Have you seen the movie Food Matters? I highly recommend it. I will be back and I will read it all and all the best with your daughter.
    PS I am from NEw Zealand and we had a farmer cure himself of swine flu ( he was on life support by this stage) using intravenous vitamin c. Check out the Food Matters website and they have videos of the tv interviews on there.

  2. Food Matters is what led me to purchase Andrew Sauls books as well as Dr. Abram Hoffer's. They helped me cure my daughter of staph infection meningitis from chemo in 2 days with vitamin C powder!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. References - Paul, S. (2018, December 13). Oyster Extract Testosterone Research: Benefits, Dosage & Side Effects! Retrieved December 13, 2018, from https://testosteroneofficial.com/research/oyster-extract/
