I'm just a parent, but I know there are natural ways to nourish our children as they go through their bout with cancer. My goal with this blog is to give parents the information that their oncologists may not know or give them so they have the information at their fingertips when they need it. There may not be a natural way to cure cancer (but my view of that is changing!), but I believe there can be a strong "synergy" of anti-cancer foods and supplements that have the ability to make modern medical treatment more effective and at the very least extend lives. My diet philosophy is of whole foods and a whole foods based diet. Whole foods nourish the body as a whole, strengthen the immune system and in turn help it to fight cancer. This is a collection of my personal and ongoing research that started when my daughter was diagnosed with AT/RT brain cancer.
-Weldon Williford, Father
-Weldon Williford, Father
Friday, November 19, 2010
Vitamin D(3)
I can't remember when we started Layla on Vitamin D3 drops. I personally think our pediatrician recommended it sometime after she turned 1. We do remember discussing it with one of the stem cell docs and they said it was okay to administer during treatment. At the time, I didn't do much research on the vitamin and was nervous about giving the correct dosage to Layla because the RDA was so low. Now they keep upping the RDA because they realize the importance, go figure. My recent research has led me to better understand this vitamin/hormone and it's interactions with other minerals and vitamins such as vitamin A, vitamin K, and calcium. My understanding is that with a vitamin A source such as cod liver oil, the potential for toxicity is very low and completely eliminates risk of kidney stones in adults, for example. You do not want to get all your vitamin D from cod liver oil, however, because the vitamin A dosage would be way too high and can block absorption of vitamin D. Vitamin D also regulates/enables the body to use calcium efficiently. This is very important for Layla as she is allergic to dairy and may have times of low calcium intake. I am not an expert in this either, but regulation of calcium is very important in treating cancers and angiogenesis of tumors. I am currently researching calcium supplementation for a later post. The videos below are very informative and will give you all the knowledge you would ever want to know about vitamin D.
When looking for vitamin D, if you are not using the Carlson baby drops and your child can take capsules, make sure you avoid the soybean oil caps. Soy has a terrible effect on the thyroid which is already under stress with chemo and radiation. I looked at Wal-Greens, CVS, and our local grocery store and was unable to locate a source of vitamin d3 without soybean oil or other toxic substance. From research it is best to find a capsule that is blended with MCT oil, which is basically extracted from coconut oil. This will give the best absorption.
Recommended Dosage:
Children over the age of 1 year should take 1,000 IU per every 25 pounds of body weight per day, depending on latitude of residence, skin pigmentation, and sun exposure. On the days they are outside in the summer sun, they do not need to take any; in the winter they will need to supplement accordingly.
Children over the age of 10 years old should follow instructions for adults detailed above.
Vitamin D Prevents Cancer: Is it True?
50% less chance of recurrence of cancer!!!
Mayo Clinic finds higher vitamin D levels associated with improved lymphoma survival
A presentation at the annual meeting of the American Society of Hematology held December 5-8 this year in New Orleans reveals the finding of researchers from the Mayo Clinic and the University of Iowa of an association between higher levels of vitamin D and greater survival in individuals being treated for lymphoma. In a study funded by the National Cancer Institute, researchers participating in the University of Iowa/Mayo Clinic Lymphoma Specialized Program of Research Excellence (SPORE) measured serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels in 374 patients with newly diagnosed diffuse large B-cell lymphoma. The team chose to study lymphoma due to the higher incidence of the disease in northern latitudes, a finding that may be related to decreased exposure to sunlight which results in lower levels of vitamin D. The study is the first to evaluate lymphoma outcome in relation to vitamin D levels.
Half of the patients were found to have deficient serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels of less than 25 nanograms per milliliter. This group had a 1.5 times greater adjusted risk of disease progression and twice the rate of dying over the course of the study compared to those with optimal levels.
Vitamin D has been found to regulate numerous genes involved in prostate, breast, colon and other cancers. A deficiency of the vitamin may be involved in the genesis of some cancers as well as influencing the outcome of the disease. "The exact roles that vitamin D might play in the initiation or progression of cancer is unknown, but we do know that the vitamin plays a role in regulation of cell growth and death, among other processes important in limiting cancer," explained lead investigator, Matthew Drake, MD, PhD, who is an endocrinologist at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota. "It is fairly easy to maintain vitamin D levels through inexpensive daily supplements or 15 minutes in the sun three times a week in the summer, so that levels can be stored inside body fat."
"These are some of the strongest findings yet between vitamin D and cancer outcome," Dr Drake concluded. "While these findings are very provocative, they are preliminary and need to be validated in other studies. However, they raise the issue of whether vitamin D supplementation might aid in treatment for this malignancy, and thus should stimulate much more research."
Vitamin D and Brain Health-(Relevant to brain cancer and/or brain radiation)
Control of the nervous system
Vitamin D3 actions in the nervous system include induction of Vitamin D Receptor content (VDR is expressed in the brain and on several regions of the central and peripheral nervous system), the conductance velocity of motor neurons, and the synthesis of neurotrophic factors, such as nerve growth factors and neurotrophyns, that prevent the loss of injured neurons. Vit.D3 also enhances the expression of glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor, a potential candidate for treatment of Parkinson's disease.
In addition to increased nerve growth factor, combined treatment with Vit.D3 and 17beta-estradiol in rats elicits neuroprotective effects after focal cortical ischemia induced through the photothrombosis model.
Vit.D3 influences critical components of orderly brain development. In the embrionic rat brain, the VDR increases steadly from day 15 to day 23, and Vit.D3 induces the expression of nerve growth factor and stimulates neurite outgrowth in embryonic hippocampal explants and primary cultures. Low prenatal Vitamin D in utero leads to increased brain size, brain shape, enlarged ventricles, and reduced expression of nerve growth factor in the neonatal rat.
The association of vit.D deficiency and abnormal brain development makes Vitamin D an attractive candidate for tretment of schizophrenia, a disorder resulting from gene-environment interactions that disrupt brain development.
Also, transient prenatal vitamin D deficiency in rats induces hyperlocomotion in adulthood with sever motor abnormalities.
Vitamin D Role in Preventing Cancer
D-Lightful Vitamin D: Bone & Muscle Health and Prevention of Autoimmune and Chronic Diseases (Very Entertaining)
Vitamin D Deficiency: Analysis and Approach in a Comprehensive Cancer Center
General Information Sites
I personally like to purchase from http://www.iherb.com/
I also look at Whole Foods Grocery when I am shopping there.
Monday, November 8, 2010
Tulsi/Basil & Green Tea
I found this combination of herbal tea through my research for something that would help with Layla's nausea and add some more anti-cancer constituents to her diet. There was no way she was going to like the taste of ginger either. I had known about the benefits of green tea for years but had never heard of Holy Basil as a use in cancer treatment. I haven't been able to locate the original article online, but Holy Basil works in a similar fashion to Zofran/Odansetron. Within the article, prior to the discovery of zofran for nausea, there was a doctor in San Francisco who was using Holy Basil with his chemotherapy patients for nausea. I like basil's potential to protect from radiation damage. Layla was put to sleep every morning for proton radiation and had to have some clear liquids when she woke before we could leave. She had a 4 oz bottle of this Tulsi/Green tea combined with about 1oz of muscadine juice for sweetener. It was usually lunchtime when we would return to the room and it definitely helped with her appetite by calming her nausea. We never had to use lorazepam for her nausea during her radiation or anytime since. We continue to use Zofran/Odansetron twice a day due to ongoing side-effects of the surgery that was near the nausea center in her brain. Now, I typically mix 4oz of this with 2 oz of muscadine juice for breakfast with a couple of oz of Fiji water or coconut water. This travels well, similarly to coconut water since you can premix a bottle and keep it cold.
Product Information:
Research on Basil (all types) :
...Holy basil has been shown to inhibit breast cancer (including DCIS) growth and progression by affecting cell proliferation and angiogenesis in a mouse experimental model.
...it has been shown to inhibit liver cancer metastasis. Basil leaf extract has been found to be highly effective in inhibiting carcinogen-induced lung tumor incidence in experimental mice. Basil oil and its components have been shown to have significant anti-proliferative activity in the mouse leukemia and kidney cells. In addition, basil oil has been found to significantly inhibit carcinogen-induced squamous cell carcinoma in the stomachs of experimental mice.
It has antioxidant, antibacterial, antiviral, adaptogenic and immune-enhancing properties. It promotes general health and supports the body's natural defense against stress and illness.
It seems to increases endurance, inhibits ulcer formation, and protects against gamma radiation. The leaves may improve pancreatic beta cell function and enhance insulin secretion.
Holy Basil for Nausea
...The relaxant properties that are found in hot basil tea, extend to both respiratory and digestive tracts and so relieves symptoms of colic, constipation, nausea, asthma and coughs.
Holy Basil for Nausea
...Basil is believed to help calm a nervous stomach, reduce nausea and help reduce the effects of motion sickness, according to American Chronicle. The herb is believed to contain antispasmodic properties that help calm queasiness and promote healthy digestion.
...Tulsi’s health-giving properties are supported by its array of constituents, including flavonoids, fatty acids (myristic, stearic, palmitic, oleic, linoleic and linolenic) triterpenes, sterols, and polyphenols, and are reflected through its immune-enhancing and adaptogenic effects and its benefits on digestion. The essential oils, including eugenol, carvacrol, linalool, nerol and camphor impart its wonderful sweet, pungent aroma and taste with warming properties which improve digestion and absorption of nutrients. Their antispasmodic actions helps relieve spasm, wind and bloating, while Tulsi’s appetizing, digestive, laxative and anthelmintic actions can be used for anorexia, nausea and vomiting, abdominal pain and worms. In vitro trials confirm its activity against enteric pathogens and Candida (Geeta et al 2001).
Holy basil (O. sanctum) contains compounds with cyclooxygenase enzyme (inflammation) inhibitory activity comparable to ibuprofen, naproxen and aspirin.
...Tulsi’s health-giving properties are supported by its array of constituents, including flavonoids, fatty acids (myristic, stearic, palmitic, oleic, linoleic and linolenic) triterpenes, sterols, and polyphenols, and are reflected through its immune-enhancing and adaptogenic effects and its benefits on digestion. The essential oils, including eugenol, carvacrol, linalool, nerol and camphor impart its wonderful sweet, pungent aroma and taste with warming properties which improve digestion and absorption of nutrients. Their antispasmodic actions helps relieve spasm, wind and bloating, while Tulsi’s appetizing, digestive, laxative and anthelmintic actions can be used for anorexia, nausea and vomiting, abdominal pain and worms. In vitro trials confirm its activity against enteric pathogens and Candida (Geeta et al 2001).
Holy basil (O. sanctum) contains compounds with cyclooxygenase enzyme (inflammation) inhibitory activity comparable to ibuprofen, naproxen and aspirin.
Research on Green Tea:
Green Tea Extract Appears to Keep Cancer in Check in Majority of CLL Patients
General Info from Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center
Green Tea induces apoptosis and inhibits angiogenesis
Anti-cancer Mechanism of Green Tea Identified in Prostate Cancer Cell Lineshttp://www.moffitt.org/site.aspx?spid=27EED2EB31F643369A79330A8EC099BD
Saturday, November 6, 2010
This became of importance to me because ever since Layla started her once-a-month Pentamidine anti-biotic she has had chronic constipation. Again, it's amazing how a little research about something such as constipation can lead to a whole lot more. Once I saw the symptoms of magnesium deficiency, Layla was exhibiting quite a few. She has been lethargic, irritable, and constipated. Also, although we haven't done a CBC test in a while, her red counts stagnated at a relatively low area although still well above anemia. I learned there is a magnesium ion attached to every red blood cell. Through my research not only was magnesium a treatment for these symptoms but also I found that anti-biotics and especially certain chemotherapy drugs will cause you to be magnesium deficient. No doctor has told us this, nor told us to supplement. After Layla's first dose of magnesium citrate, she almost immediately smiled and relaxed. The next day her energy levels went up and she is also sleeping better. She had a pretty large dose the first day (300mg) to get her bowels to move, but since then I have her on a recommended maintenance dose. I plan to judge this amount by her the occurrence of stools as well as behavior. If your child has is still experiencing reflux after his/her esophagitis has subsided, and you experience some of the other symptoms as well, magnesium may be worth a try. Also, make sure if you are buying the liquid form that it doesn't contain propylene glycol, which is a laxative. Many sites say not to take within 2 hours of any drug and it can enhance it's effects, consult a doctor if taking any serious medications, however if your child seems really deficient definitely press him to give you advice on administering.
Update 4/2/2011:
Now that Layla's movements are somewhat normal, magnesium seems to be giving her loose stools at a very low dosage, which is a very common reaction. I'm very sensitive to magnesium myself. I have found 2 good methods of transdermal or topical delivery of magesium. One is with epsom salt baths and the other a magnesium oil "spritzer" that would be great to take with you to the hospital as well.
Epsom Salt Baths
"all individuals had significant rises in plasma magnesium and sulfate at a level of 1% Epsom salts .This equates to 1g MgS04/100ml water; 600g Epsom salts/60 litres, the standard size UK bath taken in this project (~15 US gallons). However, most volunteers had significantly raised Mg/S04 levels on baths with 400g MgS04 added."
"The values obtained suggest that most people would find maximal benefit by bathing 2 or 3 times/ week, using 500-600g Epsom salts each time."
Magnesium Oil Spritzer
“I make my own [magnesium] oil using Zechstein Salts (magnesium chloride) that I buy from Swanson Vitamins (but there are other sources). To make the oil:
boil water in a saucepan and add as much salt as you can until it stops
dissolving. Cool that down and save it in a glass jar with a lid. Mix
that 50/50 (or stronger if you can stand it) with water (as you need
it) and put it in a spritzer. There You Have It. “
Daniel Reid, author of Tao of Detox says, “Using magnesium oil is the quickest and most convenient way to transmit magnesium chloride into the cells and tissues through the skin. 2-3 sprays under each armpit function as a highly effective deodorant, while at the same time transporting magnesium swiftly through the thin skin into the glands, lymph channels, and bloodstream, for distribution throughout the body. Spray it onto the back of the hand or the top of the feet any time of day or night for continuous magnesium absorption. Regardless of where you apply the spray on the body, once it penetrates the surface of the skin, the body transports it to whichever tissues need magnesium most.”
Cisplatin and hypomagnesemia.
Magnesium prevents chemotherapy side effects
...Antibiotics can also lower magnesium availability. Included on the antibiotic list are neomycin, tetracycline, erythromycin, sulfamethoxazole, and sulfonamides. Other medications that reduce the body's supply of magnesium include the anticoagulant drug warfarin; corticosteroids; oral contraceptives (birth control pills); and the immunosuppressant drug cyclosporine.
Magnesium for Strength and Recovery
...Magnesium is intimately involved in cellular energy metabolism in the mitochondria, and abundant chemical energy is required for physical exertion.
...Magnesium depletion is associated with structural damage to muscle cells in athletes.
...Magnesium supplementation has been shown to increase muscle strength in young adults.
Magnesium is attached to red blood cells and affect red blood cell fluidity
They had lowered muscle levels of magnesium, and their red blood cells were at the low end of the normal range.
Magnesium for Constipation Relief and Recommended Dosages ( I have read in several other areas per personal anecdotes that they used the softness of stools to gauge their dosage as everyone's need is different depending on stress levels).
Below are the U.S. recommended daily requirements for magnesium, taken from mayoclinic.com.
Adult and teenage males—270 to 400 milligrams (mg) per day.
Adult and teenage females—280 to 300 mg per day.
Pregnant females—320 mg per day.
Breast-feeding females—340 to 355 mg per day.
Children 7 to 10 years of age—170 mg per day.
Children 4 to 6 years of age—120 mg per day.
Children birth to 3 years of age—40 to 80 mg per day.
Comprehensive collection of magnesium studies:
Magnesium deficiency seems to be carcinogenic, and in case of solid tumors, a high level of supplemented magnesium inhibits carcinogenesis.
Update 4/2/2011:
Now that Layla's movements are somewhat normal, magnesium seems to be giving her loose stools at a very low dosage, which is a very common reaction. I'm very sensitive to magnesium myself. I have found 2 good methods of transdermal or topical delivery of magesium. One is with epsom salt baths and the other a magnesium oil "spritzer" that would be great to take with you to the hospital as well.
Epsom Salt Baths
"all individuals had significant rises in plasma magnesium and sulfate at a level of 1% Epsom salts .This equates to 1g MgS04/100ml water; 600g Epsom salts/60 litres, the standard size UK bath taken in this project (~15 US gallons). However, most volunteers had significantly raised Mg/S04 levels on baths with 400g MgS04 added."
"The values obtained suggest that most people would find maximal benefit by bathing 2 or 3 times/ week, using 500-600g Epsom salts each time."
Magnesium Oil Spritzer
“I make my own [magnesium] oil using Zechstein Salts (magnesium chloride) that I buy from Swanson Vitamins (but there are other sources). To make the oil:
boil water in a saucepan and add as much salt as you can until it stops
dissolving. Cool that down and save it in a glass jar with a lid. Mix
that 50/50 (or stronger if you can stand it) with water (as you need
it) and put it in a spritzer. There You Have It. “
Daniel Reid, author of Tao of Detox says, “Using magnesium oil is the quickest and most convenient way to transmit magnesium chloride into the cells and tissues through the skin. 2-3 sprays under each armpit function as a highly effective deodorant, while at the same time transporting magnesium swiftly through the thin skin into the glands, lymph channels, and bloodstream, for distribution throughout the body. Spray it onto the back of the hand or the top of the feet any time of day or night for continuous magnesium absorption. Regardless of where you apply the spray on the body, once it penetrates the surface of the skin, the body transports it to whichever tissues need magnesium most.”
Cisplatin and hypomagnesemia.
Magnesium prevents chemotherapy side effects
...Antibiotics can also lower magnesium availability. Included on the antibiotic list are neomycin, tetracycline, erythromycin, sulfamethoxazole, and sulfonamides. Other medications that reduce the body's supply of magnesium include the anticoagulant drug warfarin; corticosteroids; oral contraceptives (birth control pills); and the immunosuppressant drug cyclosporine.
Magnesium for Strength and Recovery
...Magnesium is intimately involved in cellular energy metabolism in the mitochondria, and abundant chemical energy is required for physical exertion.
...Magnesium depletion is associated with structural damage to muscle cells in athletes.
...Magnesium supplementation has been shown to increase muscle strength in young adults.
Magnesium is attached to red blood cells and affect red blood cell fluidity
They had lowered muscle levels of magnesium, and their red blood cells were at the low end of the normal range.
Magnesium for Constipation Relief and Recommended Dosages ( I have read in several other areas per personal anecdotes that they used the softness of stools to gauge their dosage as everyone's need is different depending on stress levels).
Below are the U.S. recommended daily requirements for magnesium, taken from mayoclinic.com.
Adult and teenage males—270 to 400 milligrams (mg) per day.
Adult and teenage females—280 to 300 mg per day.
Pregnant females—320 mg per day.
Breast-feeding females—340 to 355 mg per day.
Children 7 to 10 years of age—170 mg per day.
Children 4 to 6 years of age—120 mg per day.
Children birth to 3 years of age—40 to 80 mg per day.
Comprehensive collection of magnesium studies:
Magnesium deficiency seems to be carcinogenic, and in case of solid tumors, a high level of supplemented magnesium inhibits carcinogenesis.
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Bone Broth
This was something I found looking for ways to nourish Layla because she is allergic to dairy (not tested yet) and knew if we were to ever to get off of formula without milk and still get the nutrients she needs we had to do something. Bone Broth is the answer. I have only recently learned about bone broth or had the ability to make it with high quality grass-fed, pastured bones so we are on our second large batch at the moment. I wish I would have known about it when she was too nauseated to eat. We used coconut water and muscadine juice for those periods and that worked quite well. I have read to add a pinch of salt to coconut water to make it a complete electrolytic drink, by the way. I currently alternate with coconut water or a basil/green tea with her juice and Fiji water for breakfast and using the broth in the place of the coconut water or tea at lunch or dinner. I will try and find studies about marrow broth and alklyglycerols that I have read showing how they boosted blood counts in leukemia patients. This was a very exciting find for me and I could tell after the first batch how much stronger she became. Personally, I would try to find bones of an animal that was raised without antibiotics and one that was pastured if possible, as we are dealing with a terrible disease and no expense or trouble is anything compared to chemo and/or radiation.
This is a long explanation of the makeup of broth with recipe
....Additionally, studies have shown that convalescing adults, who have lost weight because of cancer, fare better if gelatin is added to their diet. It is said to be tolerated when almost nothing else can be.28
....gelatin as feed supplement protected against ethanol-induced mucosal damages in rats."26 This directly supports the traditional thought that broth is healing and coating to the gastrointestinal lining, and gives a scientific explanation for broth's ability to calm and soothe. Gelatin has also been found to improve body weight as well as bone mineral density in states of protein undernutrition.2
Alkyglycerols boost white blood cell production and inhibit the proliferation of cancer cells
http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache%3AiMzjFoV2AsEJ%3Awww.doc-rbnavarro.net%2Fbone-marrow .doc+alkylglycerols%2Cbone+broth&cd=1&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us&client=firefox-a
Some Components of Broth- Proline, Glycine, and Gelation
...glycine is the limiting amino acid in children recovering from malnutrition, and it is the limiting amino acid for rapid growth.
...The human body requires copious amounts of glycine for detoxification after exposure to chemicals, and it conjugates directly with benzoic acid. In that individuals stressed with benzoic acid show inhibition of glutathione synthesis, and glycine is a precursor amino acid for glutathione, some researchers have concluded that glycine might improve the functioning of Phase II hepatic detoxification.
...(Glycine) is used in the synthesis of hemoglobin, creatine, porphyrin, bile salts, glutathione and the nucleotides DNA and RNA
..."Gelatin lines the mucous membrane of the intestinal tract and guards against further injurious action on the part of the ingesta,"
...Whatever form of gelatin is used, it should never be cooked or reheated in the microwave. According to a letter published in The Lancet, the common practice of microwaving converts l-proline to d-proline. They write, "The conversion of trans to cis forms could be hazardous because when cis-amino acids are incorporated into peptides and proteins instead of their trans isomers, this can lead to structural, functional and immunological changes."
A the bottom of this page
This is a long explanation of the makeup of broth with recipe
....Additionally, studies have shown that convalescing adults, who have lost weight because of cancer, fare better if gelatin is added to their diet. It is said to be tolerated when almost nothing else can be.28
....gelatin as feed supplement protected against ethanol-induced mucosal damages in rats."26 This directly supports the traditional thought that broth is healing and coating to the gastrointestinal lining, and gives a scientific explanation for broth's ability to calm and soothe. Gelatin has also been found to improve body weight as well as bone mineral density in states of protein undernutrition.2
Alkyglycerols boost white blood cell production and inhibit the proliferation of cancer cells
Some Components of Broth- Proline, Glycine, and Gelation
...glycine is the limiting amino acid in children recovering from malnutrition, and it is the limiting amino acid for rapid growth.
...The human body requires copious amounts of glycine for detoxification after exposure to chemicals, and it conjugates directly with benzoic acid. In that individuals stressed with benzoic acid show inhibition of glutathione synthesis, and glycine is a precursor amino acid for glutathione, some researchers have concluded that glycine might improve the functioning of Phase II hepatic detoxification.
...(Glycine) is used in the synthesis of hemoglobin, creatine, porphyrin, bile salts, glutathione and the nucleotides DNA and RNA
..."Gelatin lines the mucous membrane of the intestinal tract and guards against further injurious action on the part of the ingesta,"
...Whatever form of gelatin is used, it should never be cooked or reheated in the microwave. According to a letter published in The Lancet, the common practice of microwaving converts l-proline to d-proline. They write, "The conversion of trans to cis forms could be hazardous because when cis-amino acids are incorporated into peptides and proteins instead of their trans isomers, this can lead to structural, functional and immunological changes."
A the bottom of this page
Muscadine Grapes/Juice
This is one of the first things I did for Layla was starting her on a combination of the juice as well as skin/seed capsules. The resveratrol is important, but so it ellagic acid and quercetin. Some research even shows there are unknown constituents of the grape that are anti-cancerous. I had considered growing these before Layla's cancer and the Great Depression II and went on many conferences about the grape. Unfortunately, most wineries make wine from the grapes and don't sell their juice, but there are a few that do.
Juice: http://www.hinnantvineyards.com/ourwines.php
Grape Skin/Seeds: http://www.themothervine.com/default/the-science/
Juice & Powder: http://www.isons.com/Merchant2/merchant.mvc?Screen=CTGY&Store_Code=IN&Category_Code=MuscadineProducts
Here is a .pdf file with lots of research including protection during chemo and killing colon cancer http://www.muscadinenaturals.com/sellsheets/9-26-09HealthBenefitsTalk.pdf
Specific to Resveratrol
Specific to Prostate Cancer
Specific to Liver Cancer
Increases NK or Natural Killer Cells
Protect Against Cancer Radiation Therapy Side Effects
http://www.redorbit.com/news/health/1673821/muscadine_grape_skin_dietary_supplement_protects_against_canc er_therapy_radiation/
Nutrition and Components
Information on Quercetin and Ellagic Acid (not recommending product as it is only the seed)
A Whole List of Health Benefits With Sources & Raspberry Info Also & Store to Buy Juice:
Juice: http://www.hinnantvineyards.com/ourwines.php
Grape Skin/Seeds: http://www.themothervine.com/default/the-science/
Juice & Powder: http://www.isons.com/Merchant2/merchant.mvc?Screen=CTGY&Store_Code=IN&Category_Code=MuscadineProducts
Here is a .pdf file with lots of research including protection during chemo and killing colon cancer http://www.muscadinenaturals.com/sellsheets/9-26-09HealthBenefitsTalk.pdf
Specific to Resveratrol
Specific to Prostate Cancer
Specific to Liver Cancer
Increases NK or Natural Killer Cells
Protect Against Cancer Radiation Therapy Side Effects
Nutrition and Components
Information on Quercetin and Ellagic Acid (not recommending product as it is only the seed)
A Whole List of Health Benefits With Sources & Raspberry Info Also & Store to Buy Juice:
Cod Liver Oil
I currently give Layla 1 teaspoon a day in her bottle split into 1/2 teaspoon in the morning and 1/2 teaspoon for dinner. I currently use the unflavored Twinlab brand liquid from Whole Foods. Green Pastures has been said to be the best on the market according to internet sources. I always make sure she receives her coconut oil and olive oil which work in unison with this polyunsaturated oil and keep it under control as omega-3's tend to be like fireworks to your system according to fat experts. The red palm oil I will be adding is also very high in vitamin E which gives protection from most polyunsaturated oils like con-ola as well. I use this for her as mainly as a normal growth supplement as much as for anti-cancer treatment.
...All the nutrients in cod liver oil help prevent cancer. Vitamin A has been part of every successful alternative cancer therapy so far. In a study in China, use of cod liver oil was found to be protective against childhood leukemia.57 In a study of Norwegian men and women, consumption of cod liver oil was found to protect against lung cancer.58
...based on the results of a new Norwegian study. Women who used cod liver oil daily for a year prior to their diagnosis of lung cancer, had a 44% lower chance of dying.
...Regular use of fish oil supplements was linked with a 32% reduced risk of breast cancer. It is the first time research has demonstrated a link between the use of fish oil supplements and a reduction in breast cancer.
Fish Oil And Cancer - New Findings
Swedish scientists recently published an important paper on the positive impact of omega-3 fatty acids (which are found mainly in fish oil) on a certain type of childhood cancer called neuroblastoma (Gleissman 2010).
General Info and Q & A:
Cod Liver Oil, The Number One Superfood
How to Stay Healthy Taking Cod Liver Oil
Information about Vitamin A and need for supplementation
http://performancewithoutpain.com/2009/10/20/why-is-beta-carotene-from-vegetables-so-difficult-for-the-bo dy-to-use-as-true-vitamin-a/
Brand Recommendations:
...All the nutrients in cod liver oil help prevent cancer. Vitamin A has been part of every successful alternative cancer therapy so far. In a study in China, use of cod liver oil was found to be protective against childhood leukemia.57 In a study of Norwegian men and women, consumption of cod liver oil was found to protect against lung cancer.58
...based on the results of a new Norwegian study. Women who used cod liver oil daily for a year prior to their diagnosis of lung cancer, had a 44% lower chance of dying.
...Regular use of fish oil supplements was linked with a 32% reduced risk of breast cancer. It is the first time research has demonstrated a link between the use of fish oil supplements and a reduction in breast cancer.
Fish Oil And Cancer - New Findings
Swedish scientists recently published an important paper on the positive impact of omega-3 fatty acids (which are found mainly in fish oil) on a certain type of childhood cancer called neuroblastoma (Gleissman 2010).
General Info and Q & A:
Cod Liver Oil, The Number One Superfood
How to Stay Healthy Taking Cod Liver Oil
Information about Vitamin A and need for supplementation
Brand Recommendations:
Betaine, Beets and Spinach
I made some Beet Kvass from my new Nourishing Traditions cookbook this week. I just let it ferment for 4 days instead of 2 according to some internet guidance and probably could have used a little less sea salt. It is said to be a tonic for the liver and kidneys and has been drank in Russia for over a 1000 years. In my cancer research I stumbled upon one of the main reasons beets are so healthy, betaine. There are 2 other pretty good sources of betaine including spinach and whole wheat. Due to gluten we are not taking the wheat route. I have read some recommendations to stay away from gluten during cancer, not to mention my child has autistic tendencies. I plan on doing more research on that later. Remember beet kvass has live active cultures, so consult your doctor if in neutropenic stage, probably better to go with beet juice if you have a juicer.
...They concluded that betaine supplementation increased power, force and maintenance in selected performance measures, and these were more apparent in the smaller upper-body muscle groups.
...works by donating methyl groups (CH3) that assist in over 100 reactions essential for normal cell function. The ingredient is also said to protect against the effects of dehydration by accumulating in cells and forming a monolayer of water around essential cell components.
Beet Juice and Cancer (no source stated)
Beet juice has been proven therapeutic in the treatment of leukemia and cancer. In a clinical trial, twenty-two patients with advanced inoperable cancers were given 10 oz. of beet juice daily for 3 to 4 months. Twenty-one of these patients showed marked improvement in health.
The USDA recognizes beets as a source of betaine, stating that it has been shown to provide anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and detox support in the body.
...betaine also naturally increases glutathione levels within the liver, the body's most important antioxidant. Betaine works along with vitamins B6, B12 and folic acid to augment the formation of S-adenosylmethionine (SAM), an important amino acid particularly concentrated in the human brain and liver. Recent studies in children with enzyme deficiencies confirm that betaine increases S-adenosylmethionine in the brain. Betaine has also been shown to raise beneficial S-adenosylmethionine levels within the liver, which helps the liver to metabolize fat and protect against alcohol-induced cirrhosis and other conditions. Betaine also decreases bilirubin, alkaline phosphotase and several other liver enzymes related to a large variety of liver disorders. Significant liver benefits have been shown in over 20 studies with betaine.
From the previous article I looked up the significance of S-adenosylmethionine (SAM-E)
...SAMe has a variety of other effects, such as methylation of phospholipids (with potential effects on membrane fluidity and receptor function)7,8,9 and methylation of proteins and nucleoproteins.10 A recent review mentioned over 35 methylation reactions involving SAMe
Then I wanted to know what "methylation of phospholipids" means
These closely associated biochemical changes facilitate the transmission of many signals through membranes, resulting in the generation of adenosine 3',5'-monophophate in many cell types, release of histamine in mast cells and basophils, mitogenesis in lymphocytes, and chemotaxis in neutrophils.
Now the AHA! moment. Mitogenesis refers to the dividing and multiplying DNA meaning more lymphocytes and chemotaxis means moving the neutrophils to the part of the body that needs it the most and this mechanism can be damaged during cancer so Betaine would lead to more SAM-E, which in turn would boost lymphocytes and move neutrophils where they need to go.
...chemotaxis in animals can be subverted during cancer metastasis.
Recipe for Beet Kvass (with description and some changes, I personally let it ferment for 4 days):
...They concluded that betaine supplementation increased power, force and maintenance in selected performance measures, and these were more apparent in the smaller upper-body muscle groups.
...works by donating methyl groups (CH3) that assist in over 100 reactions essential for normal cell function. The ingredient is also said to protect against the effects of dehydration by accumulating in cells and forming a monolayer of water around essential cell components.
Beet Juice and Cancer (no source stated)
Beet juice has been proven therapeutic in the treatment of leukemia and cancer. In a clinical trial, twenty-two patients with advanced inoperable cancers were given 10 oz. of beet juice daily for 3 to 4 months. Twenty-one of these patients showed marked improvement in health.
The USDA recognizes beets as a source of betaine, stating that it has been shown to provide anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and detox support in the body.
...betaine also naturally increases glutathione levels within the liver, the body's most important antioxidant. Betaine works along with vitamins B6, B12 and folic acid to augment the formation of S-adenosylmethionine (SAM), an important amino acid particularly concentrated in the human brain and liver. Recent studies in children with enzyme deficiencies confirm that betaine increases S-adenosylmethionine in the brain. Betaine has also been shown to raise beneficial S-adenosylmethionine levels within the liver, which helps the liver to metabolize fat and protect against alcohol-induced cirrhosis and other conditions. Betaine also decreases bilirubin, alkaline phosphotase and several other liver enzymes related to a large variety of liver disorders. Significant liver benefits have been shown in over 20 studies with betaine.
From the previous article I looked up the significance of S-adenosylmethionine (SAM-E)
...SAMe has a variety of other effects, such as methylation of phospholipids (with potential effects on membrane fluidity and receptor function)7,8,9 and methylation of proteins and nucleoproteins.10 A recent review mentioned over 35 methylation reactions involving SAMe
Then I wanted to know what "methylation of phospholipids" means
These closely associated biochemical changes facilitate the transmission of many signals through membranes, resulting in the generation of adenosine 3',5'-monophophate in many cell types, release of histamine in mast cells and basophils, mitogenesis in lymphocytes, and chemotaxis in neutrophils.
Now the AHA! moment. Mitogenesis refers to the dividing and multiplying DNA meaning more lymphocytes and chemotaxis means moving the neutrophils to the part of the body that needs it the most and this mechanism can be damaged during cancer so Betaine would lead to more SAM-E, which in turn would boost lymphocytes and move neutrophils where they need to go.
...chemotaxis in animals can be subverted during cancer metastasis.
Recipe for Beet Kvass (with description and some changes, I personally let it ferment for 4 days):
Coconut Water
This has been our "go to" drink ever since her second round of chemo. I love that it is like a pedia-lyte/gatorade type drink without the sugar and is all natural. It contains vitamin C, potassium, calcium, magnesium and minute amounts of many other minerals and amino acids. I don't believe any man-made drink can compare. Some posters online have stated that by adding a pinch of sea salt to it make is a perfect electrolytic drink. I usually sweeten it a bit with an oz or 2 of muscadine juice to give it a resveratrol punch as well. There are some potential anti-cancer components of coconut water called cytokinins and kinetins that I recently discovered. It is versatile, we mixed it with formula and used it alone, but always with a little of the muscadine juice.
Antiulcerogenic effects of coconut (Cocos nucifera) extract in rats.
Study demonstrated cyto-protective (cell protective) effects of coconut water and coconut milk. Coconut water was nearly as effective as a drug and coconut milk just as effective.
Hawaiians call coconut water noelani (no-way lah-nee), which means “dew from the heavens.” Coconut water has a long history of use as both a food and as a medicine. Coconut water contains a variety of nutrients including vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, amino acids, enzymes, growth factors, and other phytonutrients. Since coconuts are grown near the sea, the roots have access to a continual supply of mineral rich salt water. These minerals are absorbed by the roots and find their way into the fruit of the coconut. For this reason, coconut water is a good source of the major minerals like magnesium, calcium, and potassium. It is particularly rich in potassium, an essential nutrient; one 8-ounce cup of coconut water has more potassium than a banana. It also contains a variety of trace elements such as zinc, selenium, iodine, sulfur, manganese, boron, molybdenum, and others. All derived from volcanic soils and seawater from which the coconut palms are grown. All of these minerals are in the form of electrolytes so they are easily absorbable by the human body. Many of the health benefits attributed to coconut water can be traced to its mineral content. The fat content of coconut water is so low it is essentially fat-free. Coconut water is relatively low in sugar compared to other fruit juices. It contains only a fifth of the sugar that you get from an equal amount of fresh grape or apple juice. Even though it is low in sugar, it has a mildly sweet, delightful taste, making it an excellent alternative to fruit juice and sodas. In regulating cell growth, cytokinins also prevent mistakes that may lead to the development of cancer. Normal cells are kept healthy while cancerous cells are programmed to die, preventing them from growing and spreading. Much of the early research on cytokinins was funded by The American Cancer Society. Soon after the discovery of cytokinins in the 1950s researchers quickly recognized their potential in fighting cancer. Subsequently, the anti-cancer effects of cytokinins have been well documented.5-6
1. Macalalag, E.V. and Macalalag, A.L. Bukolysis: young coconut water renoclysis for urinary stone dissolution. Int Surg 1987;72:247.
2. Alleyne, T., et al. The control of hypertension by use of coconut water and mauby: two tropical food drinks. West Indian Med J 2005;54:3-8.
3. Shah, N.J., et al. Use of coco-nut water in treatment of congestive cardiac failure. Ind Jour Med Res 1956;44:341-351.
4. Rattan, S.I.S. and Clark, B.F.C. Kinetin delays the onset of ageing characteristics in human fibroblasts. Biochem Biophys Res 1994;201:665-672.
5. Adair, W.L. and Brennan, S.L. The role of N-6-isopentenyl adenine in tumor cell growth. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 1986;137:208-214.
6. Dolezal, K, et al. Preparation and biological activity of 6-benzylaminopurine derivatives in plants and human cancer cells. Bioorg Med Chem 2006;14:875-874.
We usually purchase our coconut water at Whole Foods. There seems to be one near most major hospitals. They have some larger cartons that are re-closeable although often hard to find and sometimes we just buy a case of the small packs. Here are some links to brands.
Antiulcerogenic effects of coconut (Cocos nucifera) extract in rats.
Study demonstrated cyto-protective (cell protective) effects of coconut water and coconut milk. Coconut water was nearly as effective as a drug and coconut milk just as effective.
...The same kinetin that retarded ageing in plants and fruit flies, when added to the human fibroblasts in culture, also remarkably retarded the ageing of the skin cells. They stayed young looking and acted like young fibroblast cells in terms of their growth rate, size, and molecular activity....Can kinetin reverse the ageing of our skin? Yes.*....the results of these (current) studies, once published, can perhaps pave the way for a better understanding of this very promising product-not just for the cosmetic appearance of our skin but also for the potent antioxidant and age-retarding effects on other cell systems of the body.....
Hawaiians call coconut water noelani (no-way lah-nee), which means “dew from the heavens.” Coconut water has a long history of use as both a food and as a medicine. Coconut water contains a variety of nutrients including vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, amino acids, enzymes, growth factors, and other phytonutrients. Since coconuts are grown near the sea, the roots have access to a continual supply of mineral rich salt water. These minerals are absorbed by the roots and find their way into the fruit of the coconut. For this reason, coconut water is a good source of the major minerals like magnesium, calcium, and potassium. It is particularly rich in potassium, an essential nutrient; one 8-ounce cup of coconut water has more potassium than a banana. It also contains a variety of trace elements such as zinc, selenium, iodine, sulfur, manganese, boron, molybdenum, and others. All derived from volcanic soils and seawater from which the coconut palms are grown. All of these minerals are in the form of electrolytes so they are easily absorbable by the human body. Many of the health benefits attributed to coconut water can be traced to its mineral content. The fat content of coconut water is so low it is essentially fat-free. Coconut water is relatively low in sugar compared to other fruit juices. It contains only a fifth of the sugar that you get from an equal amount of fresh grape or apple juice. Even though it is low in sugar, it has a mildly sweet, delightful taste, making it an excellent alternative to fruit juice and sodas. In regulating cell growth, cytokinins also prevent mistakes that may lead to the development of cancer. Normal cells are kept healthy while cancerous cells are programmed to die, preventing them from growing and spreading. Much of the early research on cytokinins was funded by The American Cancer Society. Soon after the discovery of cytokinins in the 1950s researchers quickly recognized their potential in fighting cancer. Subsequently, the anti-cancer effects of cytokinins have been well documented.5-6
1. Macalalag, E.V. and Macalalag, A.L. Bukolysis: young coconut water renoclysis for urinary stone dissolution. Int Surg 1987;72:247.
2. Alleyne, T., et al. The control of hypertension by use of coconut water and mauby: two tropical food drinks. West Indian Med J 2005;54:3-8.
3. Shah, N.J., et al. Use of coco-nut water in treatment of congestive cardiac failure. Ind Jour Med Res 1956;44:341-351.
4. Rattan, S.I.S. and Clark, B.F.C. Kinetin delays the onset of ageing characteristics in human fibroblasts. Biochem Biophys Res 1994;201:665-672.
5. Adair, W.L. and Brennan, S.L. The role of N-6-isopentenyl adenine in tumor cell growth. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 1986;137:208-214.
6. Dolezal, K, et al. Preparation and biological activity of 6-benzylaminopurine derivatives in plants and human cancer cells. Bioorg Med Chem 2006;14:875-874.
We usually purchase our coconut water at Whole Foods. There seems to be one near most major hospitals. They have some larger cartons that are re-closeable although often hard to find and sometimes we just buy a case of the small packs. Here are some links to brands.
Dr. Thomas Seyfried/Ketogenic Diet
I feel this is important because it has definitely been used to shrink brain tumors which is important for Layla, AT/RT patients, and any cancer for that matter because they use glucose as fuel. I found an actual interview with the Doctor, who is a professor of Biology at Boston College. He also mentions fasting for 3-4 days as well in an interview, but I personally would still add the oils in as they would not increase glucose in the blood and as shown in other studies are anti-cancerous themselves. Another easy way to reduce blood glucose is with acetic acid such as in Bragg's raw apple cider vinegar. One could take this before or after each meal and very importantly before bedtime which mimics a study I read. I will be making a post with information about that later.
Info on Dr. Thomas Seyfried
Calorie restriction as an anti-invasive therapy for malignant brain cancer in the VM mouse.
Metabolic management of brain cancer.
Targeting energy metabolism in brain cancer with calorically restricted ketogenic diets.
Info on Dr. Thomas Seyfried
Calorie restriction as an anti-invasive therapy for malignant brain cancer in the VM mouse.
Metabolic management of brain cancer.
Targeting energy metabolism in brain cancer with calorically restricted ketogenic diets.
Coconut Oil
I believe this is also a key factor in Layla continuing to be tumor free. I had done much research on this oil prior to Layla getting cancer for it's ability to help with IBS and other intestinal problems. I had vaguely remembered from my research that it could cross the Blood/Brain barrier and could feed the brain even if it was starved of glucose, it's normal fuel. Of course glucose also fuels cancer so it seemed beneficial obviously to boost this oil and reduce glucose or increase acetic acid to reduce glucose in the bloodstream. There is tons of research on this and it's ongoing because it has very powerful properties for the brain and is giving hope to those with alzheimers as well.
Ability to prevent Colon Cancer and Breast Cancer:
Anti-Microbial from Staph Infections as well as Anti-Poison( aka. chemo?)
Details on Studies for Colon and Breast Cancer, More Detailed Anti-Microbial Info (See IV and V)
Anti-Microbial Effects-Many Studies
Anti-Carcinogenic Studies and Ketogenic Studies- Also studies showing Polyunsaturated Oils causing tumor growth http://www.coconutresearchcenter.org/coconut-research.htm#Cancer
Digestion and Nutrient Absorption
Provide a high percentage MCT (Medium Chain Trigylcerides as in coconut oil) after Neurological Damage
Anti-genotoxicity in bone marrow and germ cells (meaning protection of the chromosomal DNA of these cells and preventing them from becoming cancerous) http://journals.upd.edu.ph/index.php/sciencediliman/article/view/332/358
Anti-Viral Effects on HIV/AIDS patients (aka. neutropenic conditions)
Links to many studies:
As part of a ketogenic diet: "Another section of the conference focused on cancer and the ketogenic diet with caloric restriction (20-40% less than maintenance calories). Dr. Tom Seyfried presented his research showing that glioblastomas shrink by as much as 80% in response to this type of diet. He believes that at least 80% of cancerous tumors would shrink with this approach, since most cancers can use only glucose as fuel and cannot use ketones."
Powerpoint Presentation about Ketones and benefits to the nervous system
HTML Format: http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache%3ApQBMhvDst60J%3Awww.coconutketones.com%2FCoconutOil andAlzheimersWAPFconference11_09.ppt+coconut+oil%2Cblood+brain+barrier&cd=6&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us&client=fi refox-a
Youtube video of the coconut oil expert Dr. Bruce Fife explaining studies that are probably mentioned above
At Whole Foods Grocery: Usually in Health and Body section in black plastic container. The glass jar is for cooking and is not cold-pressed.
Ability to prevent Colon Cancer and Breast Cancer:
Anti-Microbial from Staph Infections as well as Anti-Poison( aka. chemo?)
Details on Studies for Colon and Breast Cancer, More Detailed Anti-Microbial Info (See IV and V)
Anti-Microbial Effects-Many Studies
Anti-Carcinogenic Studies and Ketogenic Studies- Also studies showing Polyunsaturated Oils causing tumor growth http://www.coconutresearchcenter.org/coconut-research.htm#Cancer
Digestion and Nutrient Absorption
Provide a high percentage MCT (Medium Chain Trigylcerides as in coconut oil) after Neurological Damage
Anti-genotoxicity in bone marrow and germ cells (meaning protection of the chromosomal DNA of these cells and preventing them from becoming cancerous) http://journals.upd.edu.ph/index.php/sciencediliman/article/view/332/358
Anti-Viral Effects on HIV/AIDS patients (aka. neutropenic conditions)
Links to many studies:
As part of a ketogenic diet: "Another section of the conference focused on cancer and the ketogenic diet with caloric restriction (20-40% less than maintenance calories). Dr. Tom Seyfried presented his research showing that glioblastomas shrink by as much as 80% in response to this type of diet. He believes that at least 80% of cancerous tumors would shrink with this approach, since most cancers can use only glucose as fuel and cannot use ketones."
Powerpoint Presentation about Ketones and benefits to the nervous system
HTML Format: http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache%3ApQBMhvDst60J%3Awww.coconutketones.com%2FCoconutOil
Youtube video of the coconut oil expert Dr. Bruce Fife explaining studies that are probably mentioned above
At Whole Foods Grocery: Usually in Health and Body section in black plastic container. The glass jar is for cooking and is not cold-pressed.
Olives, Olive Oil
I started giving Layla 1/2 Tablespoon of Olive Oil about 1 week into her radiation. Her hair was still falling out, she was pale as a ghost and still had esophagitis from chemo. Within 2 days of giving her the olive oil this all changed. The nurses at the proton center asked me what did I do? This was really due to a search about vitamin E and esophagitis that turned into a WHOLE lot more than just that. I will post link about esophagitis below when I find it again. The main thing about olive oil is to find cold pressed extra virgin and make sure it is a reputable source. Studies have found over 80% of extra virgin olive oil's on the market to not be extra virgin or cut with an inferior oil such as canola. Generally, if the bottle is under $12 it's probably not real or fresh. Also, make sure the bottle is not old. It loses up to 40% of it's vitamin E in the first 3 months and by the end of a year it's virtually gone. Vitamin E isn't the only constituent that is valuable, but why gamble on cancer? I also put aluminum foil around the bottle as soon as I get it home to block out UV or light rays to prevent oxidation. I have read that refrigerating it is not good because as it warms up again it changes the oil's properties. Mainly just protect it from light.
I have read anecdotal evidence of adults who were taking this during chemo and never experienced any esophageal problems at all. Of course, this wasn't the only thing they did as they already prescribed to a traditional fat, nourishing diet.
Olives are rich in squalene and oleic acid, nutrients that have been reported to inhibit certain cancer growth factors. The calories in olives also help control body weight and increases ketones in the blood. Ketones help fight cancer by impairing glycolosis – a process in which cancer cells depend almost exclusively upon for their daily supply of energy. http://www.apjohncancerinstitute.org/cancer/brain.htm
Specific to Colon, Prostate, Breast, Ovarian, Skin Cancer:
Oleuropein is also one of the major components found in extra virgin olive oil. This article is about olive leaf extract, but applies to EVOO as well. This prevents viruses, great for neutropenia.
Oleic acid actually works to suppress the over-expression of a well-characterized oncogene that plays a key role in the etiology, invasive progression, and metastasis of several human cancers.
Olive Oil and Colon Cancer:
Olive Oil and Fish Oil protect the liver from toxicity of antibiotics, (and personally I believe from other toxic chemicals as well.) http://medind.nic.in/iaf/t05/i1/iaft05i1p109.pdf
Olive Oil protects the liver from direct poisoning with the herbicide 2-4D
Protects neurons in the brain from deteriorating (important for brain cancer & treatments!)
Olive Oil, which is high in Vitamin E when young-Vitamin E boosts immune system. Another great choice is red palm oil.
Results showed significant increases in levels of the anti-TT antibody, interferon (IFN)-gamma and interleukin (IL)-4 in the tocotrienol group, compared with placebo.
I couldn't find my original link about vitamin E and esophagitis, but this is pretty good.
http://books.google.com/books?id=49kLK--eumEC&lpg=PA439&ots=gjmevyuu6h&dq=vitamin+E%2Cesophagitis&pg=PA43 9#v=onepage&q=vitamin%20E,esophagitis&f=false
California Olive Ranch http://www.californiaoliveranch.com/
Napa Valley Naturals: http://www.worldpantry.com/cgi-bin/ncommerce/ExecMacro/napavalley/home.d2w/report
Euphoria (Very Popular with the Real Food Crowd): http://euphoriaoliveoil.com/site/
Storage of Oil:
I wrap my bottles in aluminum foil. Here is another possible preservative using astaxanthin.
I have read anecdotal evidence of adults who were taking this during chemo and never experienced any esophageal problems at all. Of course, this wasn't the only thing they did as they already prescribed to a traditional fat, nourishing diet.
Olives are rich in squalene and oleic acid, nutrients that have been reported to inhibit certain cancer growth factors. The calories in olives also help control body weight and increases ketones in the blood. Ketones help fight cancer by impairing glycolosis – a process in which cancer cells depend almost exclusively upon for their daily supply of energy. http://www.apjohncancerinstitute.org/cancer/brain.htm
Specific to Colon, Prostate, Breast, Ovarian, Skin Cancer:
Oleuropein is also one of the major components found in extra virgin olive oil. This article is about olive leaf extract, but applies to EVOO as well. This prevents viruses, great for neutropenia.
Oleic acid actually works to suppress the over-expression of a well-characterized oncogene that plays a key role in the etiology, invasive progression, and metastasis of several human cancers.
Olive Oil and Colon Cancer:
Olive Oil and Fish Oil protect the liver from toxicity of antibiotics, (and personally I believe from other toxic chemicals as well.) http://medind.nic.in/iaf/t05/i1/iaft05i1p109.pdf
Olive Oil protects the liver from direct poisoning with the herbicide 2-4D
Protects neurons in the brain from deteriorating (important for brain cancer & treatments!)
Olive Oil, which is high in Vitamin E when young-Vitamin E boosts immune system. Another great choice is red palm oil.
Results showed significant increases in levels of the anti-TT antibody, interferon (IFN)-gamma and interleukin (IL)-4 in the tocotrienol group, compared with placebo.
I couldn't find my original link about vitamin E and esophagitis, but this is pretty good.
California Olive Ranch http://www.californiaoliveranch.com/
Napa Valley Naturals: http://www.worldpantry.com/cgi-bin/ncommerce/ExecMacro/napavalley/home.d2w/report
Euphoria (Very Popular with the Real Food Crowd): http://euphoriaoliveoil.com/site/
Storage of Oil:
I wrap my bottles in aluminum foil. Here is another possible preservative using astaxanthin.
Red Palm Oil/Tocotrienols
Most of this information came via someone in one of my yahoo groups who has cancer and has done much research on the subject. I am very thankful I found it as there are many studies relating specifically to the brain and to cancer as well. I will be ordering this ASAP.
Update 2/8/2011:
I have recently read the book The Palm Oil Miracle by Dr. Bruce Fife. It is amazing how many active substances are present in this one oil. Due to to it's nutrient density and lower oxidation rate than olive oil, I have almost exclusively switched from olive oil to red palm oil. Olive oil is still better for transport as it stays liquid when cold, but I have acquired an insulated thermos so I can heat her meals ahead of time and still use this oil.
From the The Palm Oil Miracle by Dr. Bruce Fife
As a Dietary Supplement
Palm oil can be used as a dietary supplement to provide a natural source of mixed vitamin E, mixed carotenoids, vitamin K, CoQ10, squalene, sterols, and other nutrients. The easiest way to take palm oil for it's nutritional value is with foods. Use the oil in food preparation. You can also take the oil by the spoonful. One Tablespoon (15ml) of red palm oil provides the equivalent of the adult US RDA of vitamin E and Vitamin A (as provitamin A carotenes). For preschool aged children, 1 teaspoon (5ml) satisfies the US RDA for these vitamins. Children ages 6-12 take 2 teaspoons to meet these requirements.
Palm oil is also available in gel capsules for those who want the benefits but can't handle taking the oil by the spoonful. The capsules are especially beneficial when you are away from home and can't use the oil in cooking.
Palm oil is non-toxic even in large amounts. It is a food, so it doesn't have any harmful side effects often associated with drugs. You could safely eat several tablespoons. The only potential drawback you might experience if you consume large amounts of red palm oil every single day is a slight yellowing of the skin. This is caused by the accumulation of carotenes in the skin. Carotenes, as you recall, are the pigments that give vegetables their orange color. This condition is not harmful in any way, and actually provides a great deal of protection to the skin from UV radiation and pollution. This condition is only temporary and will eventually go away if you stop eating the oil. Eating a couple of tablespoons of red palm oil a day is not enough to color the skin. You would have to eat a large amount of the oil daily for an extended period of time for your skin to accumulate enough to becom noticeable.
For those people who are not accustomed to eating much oil, you should be aware that, if you start adding 1 or more tablespoons of oil into your diet, it could loosen your bowels somewhat. This too is only a temporary condition. As your body adjusts to a larger amount of fat in the diet, you will no longer have this experience. If at first you experience loose bowels, all you need to do is cut back on the amount of oil you are using. As your body adjusts to the added fat, you can gradually increase the amount of oil you consume. Generally, if you replace the oil you normally use in your diet with palm oil, the amount of fat you are consuming remains the same and you will not notice any difference.
It is best to consume the oil with foods, either by cooking food in the oil or taking the oil along with meals. The oil improves the absorption of nutrients in the food. Also, oil digests more readily with food so there is less chance of experiencing abdominal discomfort or loose bowels.
Approximate content of major nutrients in red palm oil per 1 tablespoon (14g) serving.
Vitamin E
- Alpha-tocopherol 2.26 mg
- Alpha-tocotrienol 2.97 mg
- Gamma-tocotrienol 4.68 mg
- Delta-tocotrienol 1.28 mg
- Total tocotrienol 8.94 mg
- Total mixed vitamin E 11.20 mg
- Alpha-carotene 2.59 mg
- Beta-carotene 3.32 mg
- Other carotenes 1.09 mg
- Total mixed carotenes 7 mg
- CoQ10 600 mcg
- Sterols 6 mg
- Squalene 5mg
"Several other studies have shown that when palm oil is added into the diet, it reduces the risk of cancer and prolongs lifespan. It doesn't matter if the primary fat in the diet is soybean oil, corn oil, lard,or beef tallow, when palm oil is added or replaces these other oil, cancer incidence declines"
You may see palm oil in processed food products or in palm oil shortenings where the palm oil has been refined to remove any flavor or orange coloring (carotenoids). According to tests, this palm oil still retains approx. 60% of it's vitamin E so it still has health benefits along with the fact of it's low oxidation potential.
General Wiki on Tocotrienols (Red Palm Oil contains all forms)
More General Information
Detailed paper by Dr. Bruce Fife, expert on tropical oils
...Red palm oil is a virtual powerhouse of nutrition. It contains by far, more nutrients than any other dietary oil. In addition to beta-carotene, alpha-carotene, and lycopene it contains at least 20 other carotenes along with vitamin E, vitamin K, CoQ10, squalene, phytosterols, flavonoids, phenolic acids, and glycolipids. Palm oil is one of the richest natural sources of vitamin E. In addition to ordinary vitamin E, it also contains the highest amount of a super potent form of vitamin E known as tocotrienol. There are four tocotrienols. Palm oil contains all of them. These tocotrienols have up to 60 times the antioxidant activity of ordinary vitamin E. The combination of vitamin E, tocotrienols, carotenes, and other antioxidants makes palm oil a super antioxidant food.
...Studies show palm tocotrienols inhibit the growth of skin, stomach, pancreas, liver, lung, colon, prostate, breast and other cancers. Most of the research to date has been done with breast cancer where tocotrienols show great promise. They not only prevent cancer from taking hold but actively block its growth and initiate apoptosis—a process where diseased cells commit suicide. This is a normal process that is programmed into all of our cells in order to remove old and diseased cells
...The antioxidant power of palm oil has also shown to be of benefit in protecting against neurological degeneration. Two of the most significant factors that affect brain function are oxidative stress and poor circulation. Oxidative stress generates free radicals that damage brain and nerve tissue. Poor circulation affects the brain by restricting oxygen and glucose which are vital for proper brain function. Researchers have found correlations between oxidative stress and reduced blood flow to the brain to senile dementia, Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, Huntington’s disease, and even schizophrenia. All of these conditions involve brain cell death.
...Initial research has been so impressive that cancer researchers have called tocotrienols the most powerful natural anticancer substances known to science (Yano, 2005).
This study demonstrated that oral supplementation of the palm tocotrienol complex acts on key molecular checkpoints (c-Src and 12-Lipoxygenase) to protect against glutamate- and stroke-induced neurodegeneration and ultimately protect against stroke in vivo. This would be cancer relative to potential strokes during a brain surgery or potential brain bleeds from tumors.
Tocotrienols from palm oil as potent inhibitors of lipid peroxidation and protein oxidation in rat brain mitochondria
...This fraction from palm oil can be considered a natural antioxidant supplement capable of protecting the brain against oxidative damage and thereby from the ensuing adverse alterations.
***Suppression of tumor growth by palm tocotrienols via the attenuation of angiogenesis.
...In conclusion, this study showed that palm tocotrienols exhibit anti-angiogenic properties that may assist in tumor regression.
***The effect of dietary carotenoids on lung tumorigenesis induced by intratracheally instillated diesel exhaust particles.
...palm oil carotene was suggested to prevent lung tumorigenesis by its protective effect on DNA from active oxygen.
Reduction of DNA damage in older healthy adults by Tri E Tocotrienol supplementation.
Long-term administration of tocotrienols and tumor-marker enzyme activities during hepatocarcinogenesis in rats.
...Tocotrienol supplementation attenuated the impact of the carcinogens in the rats.
"d-Dlta-tocotrienol-mediated suppression of the proliferation of human PANC-1, MIA PaCa-2, and BxPC-3 pancreatic carcinoma cells".
Effect of tocotrienols on the growth of a human breast cancer cell line in culture.
...Their effect on the ability of these cells to form colonies also was studied, and it was found that TRF inhibited PE, whereas alpha Tocopherols had no effect. These results suggest that the inhibition is due to the presence of tocotrienols in TRF rather than alpha Tocopherols.
Tocotrienols inhibit the growth of human breast cancer cells irrespective of estrogen receptor status.
Inhibition of Proliferation of Estrogen Receptor-Negative MDA-MB-435 and -Positive MCF-7 Human Breast Cancer Cells by Palm Oil Tocotrienols and Tamoxifen, Alone and in Combination1,2
...These results suggest that tocotrienols are effective inhibitors of both estrogen receptor-negative and -positive cells and that combinations with tamoxifen should be considered as a possible improvement in breast cancer therapy.
Induction of apoptosis in human breast cancer cells by tocopherols and tocotrienols.
Combined Treatment of -Tocotrienol with Statins Induce Mammary Tumor Cell Cycle Arrest in G1
Gamma-tocotrienol suppresses prostate cancer cell proliferation and invasion through multiple-signalling pathways.
Evidence of γ-Tocotrienol as an Apoptosis-Inducing, Invasion-Suppressing, and Chemotherapy Drug-Sensitizing Agent in Human Melanoma Cells
Chemoprevention of tocotrienols: the mechanism of antiproliferative effects.
Vitamin E and cancer: An insight into the anticancer activities of vitamin E isomers and analogs.
Anti-angiogenic activity of tocotrienol.
Our findings suggest that tocotrienol has potential use as a therapeutic dietary supplement for minimizing tumor angiogenesis.
***Effects of oil palm phenolics on tumor cells in vitro andin vivo
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