I'm just a parent, but I know there are natural ways to nourish our children as they go through their bout with cancer. My goal with this blog is to give parents the information that their oncologists may not know or give them so they have the information at their fingertips when they need it. There may not be a natural way to cure cancer (but my view of that is changing!), but I believe there can be a strong "synergy" of anti-cancer foods and supplements that have the ability to make modern medical treatment more effective and at the very least extend lives. My diet philosophy is of whole foods and a whole foods based diet. Whole foods nourish the body as a whole, strengthen the immune system and in turn help it to fight cancer. This is a collection of my personal and ongoing research that started when my daughter was diagnosed with AT/RT brain cancer.
-Weldon Williford, Father

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Coconut Oil

I believe this is also a key factor in Layla continuing to be tumor free. I had done much research on this oil prior to Layla getting cancer for it's ability to help with IBS and other intestinal problems. I had vaguely remembered from my research that it could cross the Blood/Brain barrier and could feed the brain even if it was starved of glucose, it's normal fuel. Of course glucose also fuels cancer so it seemed beneficial obviously to boost this oil and reduce glucose or increase acetic acid to reduce glucose in the bloodstream. There is tons of research on this and it's ongoing because it has very powerful properties for the brain and is giving hope to those with alzheimers as well.


Ability to prevent Colon Cancer and Breast Cancer:

Anti-Microbial from Staph Infections as well as Anti-Poison( aka. chemo?)

Details on Studies for Colon and Breast Cancer, More Detailed Anti-Microbial Info (See IV and V)

Anti-Microbial Effects-Many Studies

Anti-Carcinogenic Studies and Ketogenic Studies- Also studies showing Polyunsaturated Oils causing tumor growth http://www.coconutresearchcenter.org/coconut-research.htm#Cancer

Digestion and Nutrient Absorption

Provide a high percentage MCT (Medium Chain Trigylcerides as in coconut oil) after Neurological  Damage

Anti-genotoxicity in bone marrow and germ cells (meaning protection of the chromosomal DNA of these cells and preventing them from becoming cancerous) http://journals.upd.edu.ph/index.php/sciencediliman/article/view/332/358

Anti-Viral Effects on HIV/AIDS patients (aka. neutropenic conditions)

Links to many studies:

As part of a ketogenic diet: "Another section of the conference focused on cancer and the ketogenic diet with caloric restriction (20-40% less than maintenance calories). Dr. Tom Seyfried presented his research showing that glioblastomas shrink by as much as 80% in response to this type of diet. He believes that at least 80% of cancerous tumors would shrink with this approach, since most cancers can use only glucose as fuel and cannot use ketones."

Powerpoint Presentation about Ketones and benefits to the nervous system
HTML Format: http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache%3ApQBMhvDst60J%3Awww.coconutketones.com%2FCoconutOilandAlzheimersWAPFconference11_09.ppt+coconut+oil%2Cblood+brain+barrier&cd=6&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us&client=firefox-a

Youtube video of the coconut oil expert Dr. Bruce Fife explaining studies that are probably mentioned above



At Whole Foods Grocery: Usually in Health and Body section in black plastic container. The glass jar is for cooking and is not cold-pressed.

1 comment:

  1. Clearly you have done (and value) a lot of research - I come to you only with anecdotal support that coconut is unique among oils because it functions similar to a carbohydrate. Not sure what effect that has on ketosis, but could explain the capacity to fuel a glucose-starved brain.
