I'm just a parent, but I know there are natural ways to nourish our children as they go through their bout with cancer. My goal with this blog is to give parents the information that their oncologists may not know or give them so they have the information at their fingertips when they need it. There may not be a natural way to cure cancer (but my view of that is changing!), but I believe there can be a strong "synergy" of anti-cancer foods and supplements that have the ability to make modern medical treatment more effective and at the very least extend lives. My diet philosophy is of whole foods and a whole foods based diet. Whole foods nourish the body as a whole, strengthen the immune system and in turn help it to fight cancer. This is a collection of my personal and ongoing research that started when my daughter was diagnosed with AT/RT brain cancer.
-Weldon Williford, Father

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Cod Liver Oil

I currently give Layla 1 teaspoon a day in her bottle split into 1/2 teaspoon in the morning and 1/2 teaspoon for dinner. I currently use the unflavored Twinlab brand liquid from Whole Foods. Green Pastures has been said to be the best on the market according to internet sources. I always make sure she receives her coconut oil and olive oil which work in unison with this polyunsaturated oil and keep it under control as omega-3's tend to be like fireworks to your system according to fat experts. The red palm oil I will be adding is also very high in vitamin E which gives protection from most polyunsaturated oils like con-ola as well. I use this for her as mainly as a normal growth supplement as much as for anti-cancer treatment.

...All the nutrients in cod liver oil help prevent cancer. Vitamin A has been part of every successful alternative cancer therapy so far. In a study in China, use of cod liver oil was found to be protective against childhood leukemia.57 In a study of Norwegian men and women, consumption of cod liver oil was found to protect against lung cancer.58

...based on the results of a new Norwegian study. Women who used cod liver oil daily for a year prior to their diagnosis of lung cancer, had a 44% lower chance of dying.

...Regular use of fish oil supplements was linked with a 32% reduced risk of breast cancer. It is the first time research has demonstrated a link between the use of fish oil supplements and a reduction in breast cancer.

Fish Oil And Cancer - New Findings 
Swedish scientists recently published an important paper on the positive impact of omega-3 fatty acids (which are found mainly in fish oil) on a certain type of childhood cancer called neuroblastoma (Gleissman 2010).

General Info and Q & A:

Cod Liver Oil, The Number One Superfood

How to Stay Healthy Taking Cod Liver Oil

Information about Vitamin A and need for supplementation

Brand Recommendations:



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